Arthur Augustus Tilley

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Arthur Augustus Tilley ( December 1, 1851 - December 4, 1942 ) was a British Romanist and historian.

life and work

Tilley, nephew of Anthony Trollope , attended Eton College and studied law and classical philology at King's College (Cambridge) (graduated in 1875). From 1876 to 1884 he worked as a lawyer in London. Then he went back to his college as a fellow and made a career there, first as a junior tutor, from 1891 as a lecturer for ancient languages, from 1894 for modern languages ​​and from 1896 for French, later as a professor.

Tilley wrote several chapters of The Cambridge Modern History .

Tilley, who lost a son in 1916, went blind in 1937.

Tilley was an honorary doctor from the University of Manchester .



  • The Literature of the French Renaissance. An introductory essay , Cambridge 1885
    • The Literature of the French Renaissance , 2 vols., 1904, New York 1959, 1972
  • François Rabelais , London / Philadelphia 1907
  • From Montaigne to Molière. The preparation for the classical age of French literature , Cambridge 1908, 1923, New York 1970
  • The Dawn of the French Renaissance , Cambridge 1918, New York 1968
  • Molière , Cambridge 1921, 1936, 2011, New York 1968
  • Medieval France. A companion to French studies , Cambridge 1922, New York / London 1964
  • Modern France. A companion to French studies , Cambridge 1922
  • Studies in the French Renaissance , Cambridge 1922, New York 1968
  • The decline of the age of Louis XIV. Or, French literature, 1687-1715 , Cambridge 1929, New York 1968
  • Three French dramatists. Racine. Marivaux. Musset , Cambridge 1933, New York 1967
  • Madame de Sévigné. Some aspects of her life and character , Cambridge 1936

Editorial activity

  • (with Hugh Fraser Stewart ) The Romantic movement in French literature , Cambridge 1910
    • The French romanticists, an anthology of verse and prose , Cambridge 1914
  • Selections from Sainte-Beuve , Cambridge 1918
  • Selections from Saint-Simon , Cambridge 1920
  • Cambridge Readings in French Literature , Cambridge 1920
  • (with Hugh Fraser Stewart) The Classical movement in French literature , Cambridge 1923
  • (with Alan Martin Boase ) Montaigne, Selected essays , Manchester 1934


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