Artinian module

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The term Artinian ring or Artinian module (after Emil Artin ) describes a certain finiteness condition in the mathematical sub-area of algebra . The term has some analogies to the term Noetherian ring , but the two terms are not linked in a very simple way. For example, every Artinian ring is noetherian, but not the other way around.

Artinian module


A module over a ring with is called Artinian if it fulfills one of the following equivalent conditions:

  • Every non-empty set of -sub-modules of has a minimal element regarding inclusion.
  • Each descending sequence of sub-modules becomes stationary, i.e. H. in a chain
there is an index , such that for all the following applies: .
  • For every family of sub-modules there is a finite subset of such that:


  • Every finite module is Artinian.
  • Every finitely generated module over an Artinian ring is Artinian.
  • is not an Artinian module.
  • A finite direct sum of Artinian modules is Artinian.
  • If an (associative) algebra is over a field and has a module of finite dimension, then is Artinian . For example, the rings and are Artinian.
  • The examiner group as a module is Artinian, but not .


  1. is artinsch
  2. are artinsch
  • For a (left) module over a (left) Artinian ring are equivalent:
    • M is (left) Artinian
    • M is (left) noetherian
    • M is finitely generated

Artinian ring


A ring is called linksartinsch if artinsch is as -link module.

A ring is called rechtsartinsch if artinsch is a right module.

A ring is called Artinian when left and right are Arctic.

(Note: The sub-modules are then precisely the (left / right) ideals .)


  • Bodies are artinian
  • Let be a field, a finitely generated -algebra (i.e. for a suitable ideal ), then an Artinian ring is if and only if .
  • is right-noetherian, but neither leftartinian nor left-noetherian.
  • is right-aristocratic but not left-aristocratic.

