Arthur Budau

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Arthur (Artur) Budau (born January 4, 1856 in Podgórze , † February 13, 1923 in Konstanz ) was an Austrian hydrotechnician.

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Budau was a son of the chief engineer Josef Budau and his wife Rosalia Budau. He himself married Anna, née Wenzel (Wentzel) (1860–1941) in 1886.

Budau attended a lower grammar school in Gorizia and the upper grammar school of the Vienna Theresian Academy . From 1873 to 1877 he studied mechanical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology . He then worked in several industrial companies. In 1879 he started as a designer and production engineer and in 1885 went to Biella , where the expansion of hydropower began. From 1893 to 1899 he worked there as a self-employed civil engineer. He then went to Leobersdorfer Maschinenfabrik as a designer , which produced turbines. During this time he dealt with theoretical questions about the regulation of hydraulic devices. He wrote several articles about it and got several patents. In addition, he created aeronautical studies and in 1903 gave a lecture at the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects (ÖIAV).

In 1904 Budau accepted an appointment as associate professor at the Vienna University of Technology. At the newly created chair, he taught the construction of hydropower machines and pumps. In the winter semester of 1908/09 he gave a first lecture on the theory and construction of flying machines. In 1908 he judged Viktor Kaplan's dissertation as the main referee and he also supported him. Budau directed the construction of a hydromechanical test laboratory, which was built in 1909 at the Vienna University of Technology, in order to gain new knowledge about water power machines. In 1910 he was appointed full professor. His “Brief Textbook of Hydraulics. Hydrostatik, Hydrodynamik, Hydrometrie ”from 1913 appeared in its 3rd edition until 1921.

During his time at the university, Budau stayed in contact with business and professional associations. In 1906 and 1907 he took over the office of Vice President of the Electrotechnical Association . From 1907 to 1909 he acted as chairman of the specialist group of mechanical engineers in the ÖIAV. As a member of the Austrian Aviation Technical Association, he was the editor-in-chief of the club's magazine for a long time. The Patent Court accepted him as a member in 1912.

Due to illness, Budau went to a sanatorium in Constance in early 1923, where he died a little later. He was buried in Vienna - Mauer .


In 1913 Budau received the Order of the Iron Crown III. Class. In 1922 he was appointed councilor.


Individual evidence

  1. Hans Baudisch : Professor Ing.Arthur Budau - An obituary . In: Electrical engineering and mechanical engineering . tape 41 , no. 10 , March 11, 1923, p. 163 f . ( Facsimile ).