Ash soniodoxa

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Ash soniodoxa
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden II
Order : Cruciferous (Brassicales)
Family : Cruciferous vegetables (Brassicaceae)
Genre : Ash soniodoxa
Scientific name
Ash soniodoxa
Gilg & Muschl.

Aschersoniodoxa is a genus of plants from the cruciferous family(Brassicaceae). The three species of the genus are native to the South American Andes .


The species of the genus have fleshy leaves with sunken stomata and a dense mesophyll , with which they have adapted to their dry locations. Pods are formed as fruits ; the pod halves are broad and leaf-shaped with raised veins. When ripe, the pods spring up from the tip, while the base remains fused with the gynophore .

Distribution and location

The species of the genus occur in the South American Andes at altitudes between 3800 and 5100 m. They grow in dry locations with stony, humus-poor soils.


The German botanists Ernst Friedrich Gilg and Reinhold Conrad Muschler established the genus in 1909 with the species Aschersoniodoxa mandoniana and described another species of Aschersoniodoxa chimborazensis . The genus name Aschersoniodoxa is in honor of the German botanist Paul Friedrich August Ascherson been selected.

The German botanist Otto Eugen Schulz put the species Aschersoniodoxa chimborazensis under the name Eudema remyana in the genus Eudema in 1924 ; today it is called the subspecies Eudema nubigena subsp. remyana viewed.

The system (see literature) proposed in 1990 by the Iraqi-born American botanist Ihsan Ali Al-Shehbaz is divided into three species:

Aschersoniodoxa cachensis is the species with the largest range; it occurs in central Peru , western Bolivia and north-western Argentina . Ash soniodoxa mandoniana is endemic to the La Paz department in western Bolivia. According to Al-Shehbaz, only one collected specimen ofthe species Ash Soniodoxa pilosa was known in 1990, which was found in southern Peru.


  • Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz: The Genus Aschersoniodoxa (Brassicaceae) . In: Systematic Botany . tape 15 , no. 3 (July to September), 1990, pp. 387-393 , JSTOR : 2419352 .

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Gilg, Reinhold Conrad Muschler: List of all currently known South American crucifers . In: Botanical Yearbooks . tape 42 , no. 5 , 1909, OCLC 917965244 , pp. 437-487 , here p. 469 .