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Asios ( ancient Greek Ἄσιος , Latin Asius ) was a male given name from West Asia Minor in ancient times .


The original meaning is unknown. Later the name was understood as "the Asiatic" - someone who comes from the Asiatic country, which corresponds roughly to the later Lydia .

Strabo writes that there is a place in Lydia near the city of Sardis , which the locals called Wiese (Greek λειμών) and Homer Asische Aue , because there was a heroon for Kaystrius and Asius in the vicinity . From this the name Asisches Land is to be derived and this could possibly be the origin for the name Asia . Herodotus notes that the Lydians claimed that the name of Asia was derived from Asies, the son of Kotys and grandson of Manes.

Well-known namesake

  • Asies, the son of Kotys and grandson of Manes
  • Asios , son of Hyrtakos, ruler of Arisbe
  • Asios son of Dymas, brother of Hecabe
  • Asios, son of Imbrasus, warrior of Aeneas
  • Asios of Samos , son of Amphiptolemus, a poet
  • Asios, a laconic poet, see Areus
  • Nickname of Zeus Asios from the city of Asos or Oasos in Crete


  1. ^ Adolf Kaegi, Benseler's Greek-German School Dictionary, Teubner Publishing House, Leipzig and Berlin, 1911
  2. ^ Strabo, Geographica , 650.
  3. Homer, Iliad , 2, 461.
  4. Herodotus, Historien , 4, 45.