Astrid Nunn

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Astrid Nunn (* 1956 in Düsseldorf ) is a German archaeologist from the Near East with a focus on polychromy in the ancient Orient, iconography and the Levant in the Achaemenid period .

Nunn attended school in Brussels. In February 1986, after studying Near Eastern Archeology with the minor subjects Assyriology , Semitic Studies and Turkic Studies (from winter semester 1977–1978) with Barthel Hrouda with the dissertation “Wall painting and glazed wall decorations in the ancient Orient” at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) is doing his doctorate. From 1990 to 2001 she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at the University of Munich, where she also received her habilitation in 1997 with Michael Roaf . Since 2001 she has been an adjunct professor for Ancient Near Eastern Studies ( Near Eastern Archeology ) at the University of Würzburg after her habilitation . From 2008 to 2010 Nunn was a member of the project Kelainai / Apameia Kibotos and its surroundings: Research into a royal residence in Phrygia at the Institute for Classical Archeology at LMU. In addition, she has been the editor of the Mediterranean collection at the Archaeological State Collection in Munich since 2010 .

Nunn's projects include polychromy in the ancient Orient (research project polychromy of Mesopotamian stone statues , with Rupert Gebhard ), funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and iconography (with Friedhelm Hartenstein and, associated with this, the publication of an illustrated book on the iconography of ancient Asia and ancient Egypt ) and with Régine Hunziker-Rodewald the Les terres cuites féminines de l'époque du Fer II (1,000 - env. 600 av. JC) à l'est du Jourdain (iconism and aniconism in ancient oriental cult). Another field of research is the Levant in the Achaemenid period (with Régine Hunziker-Rodewald) and the associated planning of an excavation project on the lower town of Tall Zira'a in the ancient province of Gilead (Northern Jordan, Iron Age and Achaemenid Period).


  • The figurative motif treasure of Phenicia, Syria and Transjordan from the 6th to the 4th century BC Chr. Universitätsverlag Freiburg, Switzerland / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000. ISBN 3-7278-1281-8 / ISBN 3-525-53899-5 (= habilitation thesis)
  • Everyday life in the ancient Orient. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2006, ISBN 978-3-8053-3654-3 .
  • Astrid Nunn (ed.): Walls as borders. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2009, ISBN 978-3-8053-3934-6 .
  • The old orient. Theiss, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-8062-2560-0 .

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