Attavante degli Attavanti

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Illumination by Attavante degli Attavanti in a manuscript by Marsilio Ficino's Latin translation of Plotinus Enneades (dedication copy for Lorenzo il Magnifico . Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana , Plut. 82.10, fol. 3r, late 15th century)
Missal in the library in Brussels

Attavante degli Attavanti (also Gabriello di Vante ; * 1452 in Castelfiorentino , † around 1525 in Florence ) was an Italian painter.

Attavante was active since 1476 in the execution of miniature paintings in Bibles, Mass and Gospel books, antiphonaries and manuscripts of works by ancient authors for the Duke of Urbino Federico da Montefeltro , for the Medici , the Cathedral of Florence and especially for King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary .

He composed his border decorations, head strips, initials etc. with a great deal of imagination and taste in the spirit of the early Renaissance and gave them a great painterly and material charm by inserting replicas of antique gems, busts, statues, precious stones and all kinds of animal figures. His main works are:

  • Missal in the library in Brussels (around 1485/87)
  • Manuscript of Martianus Capella (St. Mark's Library in Venice)
  • Bible in the Vatican Library
  • Bible of seven volumes in the Belem monastery in Portugal

He is also assigned three manuscripts from the Hamilton collection in Berlin.


Web links

Commons : Attavante degli Attavanti  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. The whereabouts of the works and collections refer to 1889. They can be at a different location today.