August Adriaan Pulle

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August Pulle

August Adriaan Pulle (born January 10, 1878 in Arnhem , † February 28, 1955 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch botanist. Its botanical author abbreviation is " Pulle ".


August Adriaan was born as the son of Reinier Johan Cornelis Pulle (* December 6, 1844 in Arnhem; † January 1, 1883 in Arnhem) and his wife Sophia Mathilda Reudler (* July 30, 1850 in The Hague; † January 5, 1917 in Den Hague). He attended the higher middle school in Arnhem, where he obtained his university entrance qualification in 1897. In the same year he began studying pharmacy at the University of Utrecht . In January 1899 he passed the candidate exam and, under the influence of his teachers Ambrosius Hubrecht and Frits Went, turned to biology. On January 1, 1900, he became an assistant at the botanical laboratory and herbarium in Utrecht, worked as a teacher at the secondary schools in Utrecht and participated in the Saramacca expedition to Suriname from 1902 to 1903 .

When he returned to Utrecht in 1904, he became a teacher of natural history at the high school there. He used his experience from the expedition in 1906, when he received his doctorate in biology, with the work An Enumeration of the vascular Plants known from Surinam . Then Pulle worked as a lecturer for plant systematics, pharmaceutical botany and geographical plant distribution at the Utrecht University. In addition, he held lectures on natural history at the grammar school in Amersfoort until 1912 . To expand his botanical knowledge, he took part in the third South New Guinea expedition from 1912 to 1913. On April 14, 1914 Pulle received an appointment as professor for plant systematics and geographical plant propagation at the University of Utrecht.

In connection with this he was appointed director of the botanical gardens , the attached museum and the herbarium of the Utrecht educational institution. He began this task on May 18, 1914 with the inaugural address Problems of the planning geography . When the Catonpark in Baarn became part of the Utrecht University in 1920, he prepared it for educational operations. In 1920 Pulle undertook another expedition to Suriname, where he further specialized in the plant world. This specialization found expression in his standard work Flora of Surinam , of which the first part appeared in 1932. In order to provide his students with an elementary taxonomy, he designed his textbook Compendium van de terminologie, nomenclatuur en systematiek der zaadplanten in 1938 .

Pulle worked in various associations and commissions, which also earned him a good reputation internationally. In the academy year 1929/30 he was elected rector of the Utrecht Alma Mater , for which he gave the rector's speech Mensch en natuur in 1933 . In 1938 Pulle was Honorary President of the first South American Botanical Congress in Rio de Janeiro , on March 22, 1914 he was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau , in 1937 as Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion and on July 21, 1939 as Officer of the Brazilian Order from the Southern Cross . In 1948 Pulle retired.


Pulle has been married twice. His first marriage was on December 27, 1906 in Leeuwarden Elisabeth Kamerling (* July 22, 1879 in Leeuwarden; † May 19, 1947 in Baarn), the daughter of officer Charles Glaude Kamerling (* October 9, 1848 in Amersfoort; † 12 January 1919 in The Hague) and Fredrika Hendrina Tulp (born January 1, 1852 Groningen, † June 27, 1916 in The Hague). The marriage resulted in three sons and a daughter. His second marriage was on April 11, 1951 with Nora Starke (* ± 1920), the daughter of Johannes Frederik Starke (* August 27, 1888 in The Hague; † September 27, 1946 in The Hague) and Maria Frederika de Leeuw (Born January 26, 1893 in The Hague, † March 10, 1975 in Scheveningen). The marriage remained childless. From the children we know:

  • August Sjoerd Epco Pulle (born February 16, 1908 in Utrecht) married. Married 6 November 1930 in Baarn (closed September 26, 1950 in Haarlem) with Joukje Reino Bloemhof (born January 25, 1906 Leeuwarden). II. With E. Balfoort
  • Hugo Pulle (born August 17, 1910 in Utrecht, † March 20, 1943 Kamburi (Thailand)) married. with Otteline van Hemert dead Dingshof (born May 21, 1916 in Haastrecht; † September 25, 2013 in The Hague, sp. married Lopes Cardozo)
  • Elisabeth Frederika Sophie Pulle (born May 24, 1917 Utrecht)
  • Paulus Justus Pulle (born August 22, 1925 in Baarn)

Works (selection)

  • An enumeration of the vascular plants known from Surinam, together with their distribution and synonymy. EJ Brill, Leiden, 1906
  • Zakflora voor Suriname . Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem. De Bussy. Amsterdam, 1911, vol. 1
  • A Nova Guinea. Résultats de l'expédition scientifique néerlandaise à la Nouvelle Guinée. 1912.
  • Naar het Sneeuwgebergte van Nieuw-Guinea. Maatsch. van Goede & Goedkoope Lect., Amsterdam, 1913
  • Problems of planning geography. Oosthoek, Utrecht, 1914
  • De derde international planned-geographical excursion. Vakblad voor Biologen, pp. 65-74, 1924
  • Human in nature. Oosthoek, Utrecht, 1930
  • Flora of Suriname. Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Amsterdam, 1932–1965, editing (from 1956–1965 †, with Joseph Lanjouw (1902–1984) as co-editor)
  • Carolus Linnaeus speech, the occasion van de herdenking van den dag, waarop Linnaeus voor twee honderd jaar aan de Academie van Harderwijk den graad van doctor in de geneeskunde HAALDE, uitgesproken in de Raadszaal te Harderwijk op 24 June 1935. Oosthoek, Utrecht, 1935
  • Compendium van de terminologie, nomenclatuur en systematiek der zaadplanten. Oosthoek, Utrecht, 1938; 2nd edition Utrecht 1950; 3rd edition Utrecht 1952
  • Het plantenrijk as a geheel systematic indeeling. De Haan, Utrecht, 1939
  • . Overzicht van de lotgevallen en de werkzaamheden van de maatschappij in de first halve eeuw van hair bestaan. Leiden, 1940
  • Afscheidscollege door prof. dr. AA Pulle Gegeven op Zaterdag 26 June 1948 in de collegezaal van het Botanisch Laboratorium van de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht met verslag van de hierna gevolgde homage. Utrecht, 1948


  • N. Japinske: Persoonlijkheden in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in woord en beeld. Van Holkema & Warendorf NV, Amsterdam, 1938 ( online )
  • RPW Visser: PULLE, August Adriaan (1878–1955) . In: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederland. The Hague 1994, Vol. 4 ( online )

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