August Procksch

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August Procksch (born April 10, 1841 in Naundorf near Ortrand , † August 4, 1924 in Minden ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher .

After attending grammar school in Bautzen , he studied at the University of Leipzig from 1861 , where he also received his doctorate in 1866 . After graduating as a candidate for higher education, he became an assistant teacher at the Thomasschule in Leipzig in 1866 , head teacher at the grammar school in Bautzen in 1872, headmaster of the Lyceum in Eisenberg , which was converted into a grammar school in 1875, and of the Friedrichsgymnasium in Altenburg in 1891 . He received the title of Privy Councilor . On October 1, 1907, he retired and moved to Minden in Westphalia .

Like many other classical scholars of his time, he published alongside his teaching activities. He contributed articles for Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher's Detailed Lexicon of Greek and Roman Mythology . In his retirement he published on Theodor Storm's vocabulary as well as on contemporary historical topics.

His son was the Protestant Old Testament scholar Otto Procksch (1874–1947).

Publications (selection)

  • Use of the subordinate clauses in Caesar I. A contribution to Latin grammar . Bautzen 1870. ( digitized version )
  • The Consecutio temporum at Caesar . Leipzig 1873. ( digitized version )
  • Karl Christian Friedrich Krause. A picture of life based on his letters. With Krauses photography . Leipzig 1880. ( digitized version )
  • Festschrift for the bicentenary of the jubilee of the Herzoglichen Christian high school in Eisenberg on September 24, 1888 . Altenburg 1888. ( digitized version )
  • Instructions for preparing for C. Julius Caesar's Gallic War . Leipzig 1890. (Series of student comments on Greek and Latin classics in connection with Teuber's text editions , volume 3). 3 volumes. Teubner, Leipzig 1890-1893 (digital copies: Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 , Vol. 3 ).
  • Baron Bernhard August von Lindenau as an art lover. A contribution to his biography . In: Message from the Herzoglichen Friedrichs-Gymnasium zu Altenburg 92, 1899, pp. 1-59.
  • Theodor Storm's vocabulary . In: Germanisch-Romance monthly 6, 1914, pp. 532-562 ( digitized version ).
  • English politics and English folk spirit . Concordia, Berlin 1915.


  • Festschrift for the bicentenary of the jubilee celebration of the ducal Christian high school in Eisenberg on September 24th, 1888 (= communications of the Eisenberg History and Antiquity Research Association , 3rd issue). Eisenberg 1888, p. 106 ( digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. 117. Message from the Friedrichs-Gymnasium in Altenburg about the school year from Easter 1923 to Easter 1924 . Altenburg: Pierersche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1924; P. 4.
  2. Date of death with Rosemarie Nöthlich (ed.): Ernst Haeckel - Wilhelm Bölsche. Correspondence 1887–1919. Commentary tape . Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung 2006, ISBN 3-86135-486-1 , p. 201.