August Rudolf Brenner

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August Rudolf Brenner (born March 19, 1821 in Merseburg , † October 17, 1884 in Leipzig ) was a German doctor. He taught at the University of Leipzig .


Brenner was the son of Merseburg Cathedral treasurer Ludwig August and his wife Emilie Henrike Wollny and brother of Richard Brenner . After completing his studies in Berlin and Halle he was on November 4, 1845 Doctor of Medicine doctorate . He then became a general practitioner in Quedlinburg and ran a bathing practice in Suderode .

In 1854 Brenner went to Russia, where he was a doctor at a hospital at the time of the Crimean War . After that he went to St. Petersburg . Initially active in the civil service there, he worked as a medical consultant for muscular and nervous diseases at the Maximilian sanatorium. He also had a practice.

Brenner returned from Russia to Germany in 1875 due to illness, initially to Merseburg. Two years later, the University of Leipzig hired him as an associate professor for electrotherapy . In 1881 he had to give up the professorship because of his brain disease . He died three years later at the age of 63.


Brenner dealt with electrotherapy. He saw the polar effects of galvanic current and their importance in electrodiagnostics and therapy. He also tested the motor twitching law and uncovered the galvanic reactions in the nervous hearing apparatus. In addition, he gave lectures at the Association of German Doctors, which contributed to its scientific success.


  • De communicatione chemica inter plantas et animalia per aerem atmaericum nutritione ac respiratione effecta (dissertation)
  • Investigations and observations in the field of electrotherapy (two volumes, Leipzig 1868/1869)


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