August Tiede

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August Tiede (born June 4, 1834 in Berlin ; † May 14, 1911 there ) was a German architect , Prussian construction clerk and university professor .


Tiede studied at the Berlin Building Academy . As a construction manager ( trainee lawyer ) he worked under Friedrich Adler . He traveled to Italy in 1859 and presumably passed the master builder examination in 1861 . He then worked initially as a town planning officer in Erfurt , but was then appointed to the museum buildings department of the ministerial building commission in Berlin in 1867 . At the same time he had a teaching position at the building academy and later also held the title of professor .

After Tiede had taken a position in the debates about the new building project for the Berlin Cathedral against the draft by Julius Raschdorff advocated by Kaiser Wilhelm II (in his capacity as Prussian King and Summus Episcopus in Prussia ), he was to be transferred to Silesia. In this situation he retired from the civil service and from then on worked as a freelance architect in Berlin.

Works (incomplete)

Museum of Natural Science

As a construction officer in the state building administration, Tiede was involved in the planning of the following construction projects:


  • Uwe Kieling: Berlin. Builders and Buildings. From Gothic to Historicism. VEB Tourist Verlag, Berlin / Leipzig 1987, ISBN 3-350-00280-3 , p. 228.

Web links

Commons : August Tiede  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matthias Meißner, Kristina Fatke: The Museum of Natural History. Implementing a new idea in architecture and collections. (online on the certified document server of the Humboldt University of Berlin)