Auguste Lacaussade

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Auguste Lacaussade

Auguste Lacaussade (born February 8, 1815 in Saint-Denis (Réunion) , † July 31, 1897 in Paris ) was a French writer .


Lacaussade was a son of the lawyer Pierre-Augustin Cazenave de Lacaussade and Mestizin Fanny-Lucile, called Desjardins. This origin burdened Lacaussade throughout his life.

At the age of ten, Lacaussade began school, which he completed at the Collège du Bourbon in his hometown. In 1839 Lacaussade came to France and settled in Paris. He earned his living u. a. as secretary to the writer Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve . This brought him closer to modern literature and through Saint-Beuve Lacaussade also came into contact with the Parnassians . Lacaussade spoke several languages ​​(ancient Greek, English, Italian, Latin, Polish). He married Laure-Luicille Déniau in Paris and had three children with her.

After the February Revolution of 1848 , Lacaussade joined Victor Schœlcher , the Senator of Martinique and Guadeloupe, and was there when he proclaimed the abolition of slavery in France and its colonies .

During the Second Empire , Lacaussade was appointed editor-in-chief of the magazine "Revue du Gouvernement" and after the Franco-Prussian War he was entrusted with the management of the Senate library . Lacaussade's wife died in June 1859, and he remarried six years later.

When Lacaussade died on July 31, 1897 at the age of 82, he found his final resting place in the Cimetière Montparnasse cemetery (August 2, 1897). In February 2006, his remains were exhumed, flown to Réunion and reburied there in a grave of honor in the Hell-Bourg cemetery.


Works (selection)

as an author
  • Cri you were . 1870
  • Les Épaves . 1865
  • Poèmes et paysages . 1852
  • Les Salaziennes . CRI, Saint-Clotilde 1989, ISBN 2-907017-03-9 (reprint of the Paris 1839 edition)
as translator


  • Prosper Ève: Auguste Lacaussade (1815–1897). Le fils d'une affranchie d'avant 1848. Milieu - action - modernité. Océan Édition, Saint-André 2004, ISBN 2-907064-78-9 .
  • Proper Ève: Auguste Lacaussade (1815–1897). Une voix du monde noir. Un humaniste réunionnais en France au XIXe siècle. Océan Édition, Saint-André 2006, ISBN 2-916533-05-2 .
  • Prosper Ève: Auguste Lacaussade (1815–1897). 2 volumes (Vol. 1: Un franc-créole en France. Le destin d'un fils d'esclave. Vol. 2: Le critique littéraire. ). Océan Édition, Saint-André 2006, ISBN 2-907064-98-3 (vol. 1), ISBN 2-907064-99-1 (vol. 2).
  • Prosper Ève: Les esclaves de Bourbon, la mer et la montagne. Karthala Press, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-8458-6456-6 .
  • Edmond Marek: Lacaussade et Mickiewicz . Une amitié franco-polonnaise injustement oubliée. Club Polonia-Nord, Lille 1997, ISBN 2-906072-38-9 .

Web links

Wikisource: Auguste Lacaussade  - Sources and full texts (French)