Augustin Braig

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Augustin Braig (born January 31, 1766 in Rississen , † July 16, 1821 ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian and university professor.


Augustin Braig entered the Benedictine order in Weingarten Abbey and took his religious vows on April 23, 1786 . He was ordained a priest on September 18, 1790 . He then taught philosophy and theology in Weingarten Monastery and, since 1800, in Göttweig Monastery in Lower Austria . In 1804 he came to the University of Vienna as a professor of dogmatics and worked as such until 1814.

As a professor in Vienna , he was commissioned to write a textbook on dogmatics in 1812, which was to be used in the future in place of the standard textbook Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae by Engelbert Klüpfel , but the work remained unfinished after he resigned his teaching post in 1814, until 1817 as vice-chairman -Director of the Department of Theological Studies.

On February 23, 1817 he was canon at the Metropolitan Church of St. Stephen in Vienna.

In his role as an advisory Government Commissioner of the Emperor Franz for church affairs he became reality on April 18, 1818 Government appointed.

Fonts (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ADB: Braig, Augustin - Wikisource. Retrieved April 21, 2018 .
  2. Augustin Braig was a relative of the Wiblingen conventual Michael Braig .
  3. ^ Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae
  4. Fatherland papers for the Austrian imperial state v. January 11, 1817 . 1817 ( [accessed on April 21, 2018]).
  5. Anton KLEIN (Theologiæ Doctor.): History of Christianity in Austria and Styria, since its first introduction in these countries up to the present time, p. 181 . 1842 ( [accessed on April 21, 2018]).