Augustin Prescher

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Augustin Prescher (born August 29, 1593 in Lommatzsch ; † November 29, 1675 in Kötzschenbroda , today Radebeul ) was a Saxon pastor and host of the negotiations on the armistice of Kötzschenbroda between Saxony and Sweden in the Thirty Years War .

Prescher's grave slab, today in the entrance of the Friedenskirche


Chronos and the mourners , divided in the middle and holding Prescher's gravestone, photos from around 1900
Radebeul Chronos 1900.jpg
Chronos (left) ...
Radebeul mourners 1900.jpg
... and the mourner (right)

Prescher was born in Lommatzsch as the son of the local mayor Jacob Prescher. After his school days at the Princely State School St. Afra in Meißen , he studied theology at the University of Leipzig between 1615 and 1620 , and in 1621 he received the academic degree of a master's degree there. In the same year he received his first pastor's position in Obergruna, Saxony, in what is now the district of Central Saxony .

In 1623 he was appointed pastor to the church in Kötzschenbroda , where he was to stay for 52 years, as the successor to his brother-in-law * Christopher Bulaeus, the father of the theologian Christophorus Bulaeus . During the Thirty Years War on March 14, 1637, soldiers of the Swedish Field Marshal Johan Banér destroyed the church and almost the entire place. Under the direction of Prescher, the reconstruction of the church and rectory began immediately, which was to take almost 20 years. After completing the work, which he documented in a memorandum in 1656, the church had a new organ, four bells and a clock.

  • Prescher and Buläus had married daughters of Johann Hestius (1554–1632), who was a preacher in Unkersdorf, and in 1598 a pastor at the Dreikönigskirche Dresden.

During this time he was the host of the Saxon-Swedish negotiations on the ceasefire Kötzschenbroda in the rectory of the church, on August 27, 1645 (September 6 after 1700 introduced in Saxony Gregorian calendar ) on " Sweden Table " by the plenipotentiaries of the Saxon Elector Johann George I and the Swedish General Lennart Torstensson .

Prescher owned several vineyards and other properties in the Loessnitz . Prescher died on November 29, 1675 in Kötzschenbroda. His tombstone is now in the entrance of the church after standing outside around 1900 framed by the two figures of the group of figures Chronos and the mourners . A host box and a jug for communion wine "both donated by his wife" are still in the possession of the Friedenskirch community today.

See also


  • Frank Andert (Red.): Radebeul City Lexicon . Historical manual for the Loessnitz . Published by the Radebeul City Archives. 2nd, slightly changed edition. City archive, Radebeul 2006, ISBN 3-938460-05-9 .
  • Cornelius Gurlitt : The art monuments of Dresden's surroundings, part 2: Amtshauptmannschaft Dresden-Neustadt . In: Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony , Volume 26, CC Meinhold & Söhne, Dresden 1904, p. 51. ( Digitized Kötzschenbroda. Monuments. Monument of Pastor M. Augustin Brescher, † 1675. Sheet 54 )
  • Gottfried Meisner (author): Kosmographia or a written description of the New Eternal World / Bey Volckreicher Burial of the weyland Much-Honored-Virtuous Women Helenen / Born Ober-Kampffin / from the house of Dabrun ... The ... Mr. Jacobi Preschers ... Married Hauß-Ehren: In the parish churches of Hayn on February 2nd. of this year ... / for carried and ... promoted to print By Gottfried Meißnern ... Bergen, Dreßden 1652.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Johann August Müller: Attempt for a more complete history of the Chursächsische Fürsten- und Landschule zu Meissen, Leipzig 1789, p. 256
  2. Saxony pastors ' book