Armistice of Kötzschenbroda

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After the military successes of the Swedes in the Thirty Years War , the Saxon Elector Johann Georg I concluded the armistice of Kötzschenbroda with the Swedish General Lennart Torstensson . The negotiators and signatories of the Saxon side were the Secret Council Johann Georg Oppeln (von Oppel), the General Wachtmeister and Colonel on foot Wolff Christoph von Arnimb and Colonel Hans von der Pford , for the Swedes Colonel Ludwig Sarrazin, Lieutenant Colonel Johann Nerr and signed the assistant councilor Paul Haffner. The latter signed for Major General Axel Lillie , who was originally present at the first negotiations and was governor of Leipzig at the time.

Swedish signature on the Saxon copy of the armistice treaty
The parish (around 1800)

The ceasefire agreement was signed on August 27th . / 6th September 1645 greg. Signed by their authorized representatives in the rectory of Kötzschenbroda , one page on each of the copies provided for the other page. All negotiations were hosted by the long-time pastor of Kötzschenbroda, Augustin Prescher , and the secret secretary Anton Weck , who owned land in Kötzschenbroda , took part in the negotiations .


  • The Electorate of Saxony waives any participation in the fighting for six months.
  • The three Saxon regiments in the imperial army remain in imperial service, but may not be used against the Swedish army.
  • The cities of Leipzig and Torgau remain under Swedish occupation.
  • The Electorate of Saxony pays monthly contributions of 11,000 thalers to the Swedish army, plus natural goods.
  • The Swedish army is allowed to march unhindered through the Electorate of Saxony, with the exception of a three-mile neutral zone around Dresden.


Shortly before the end of the six-month armistice, the negotiating parties met again for peace negotiations in Eilenburg . The peace of Eilenburg, which was concluded on March 31, 1646 after lengthy negotiations, was valid until a general armistice or peace treaty, which was reached with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Electoral Saxony finally left the war. The contributions were reduced to 8,000 thalers, but the country still suffered under the Swedish occupation until 1650.



On the 350th day of peace in 1995, the Association for Monument Preservation and New Buildings in Radebeul donated a plaque to commemorate the event. Sunk into the floor in front of the rectory on the Anger, it is now part of the newly designed Friedenskirch forecourt.

On the anniversary of the armistice, August 27, the international Radebeul Courage Prize has been awarded on the occasion of this peace sign since 2004 .

The legend of the Swedish table

The contract is said to have been signed on this table. He's in church today

“In a legend it is reported that on the day the contract was signed (August 27th) there was no table in the entire rectory for the occasion. Prescher is said to have asked for a table from master cooper Knoth, who wanted to host his daughter's wedding that day. It goes on to say: 'With prayer and thanks, the bride's father hands over the table with all the festive dishes on it. The negotiators gladly accepted the gift. The armistice could then be signed. '"

The rough wooden table on which the contract "should have been signed" or "could have been signed" from various sources was first mentioned in 1829 according to the Radebeul city dictionary . According to other sources, it is said to have been lost and replaced.


Web links

Commons : Armistice of Kötzschenbroda  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Schäfer: The armistice at Kötzschenbroda on August 27, 1645. Dresden 1845, p. 44. ( online version ).
  2. Johann Jacob Vogeln: Leipzigisches Geschicht-Buch, or Annales, That is: year and day books of the world-famous Königl. and Churfürstl. Saxon commercial and trading city of Leipzig, in which the most remarkable history and changes that have taken place, both in and in the praised city and area, both in Geistl. as worldly things, both in times of peace and times of war, from the year 661 after the birth of Christ, up to the most recent times, from days to days. Linkischens Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1756, p. 622. ( online version ).
  3. The Armistice Treaty of Kötzschenbroda between Sweden and Saxony concluded on August 27, 1645 (PDF; 114 kB)
  4. ^ Erik Gustav Geijer, Ludvig Stavenow, Friedrich August Ukert, Wilhelm von Giesebrecht, Karl Lambrecht: History of Sweden. Volume 3, Friedrich Perthes, Hamburg 1836. p. 365. ( online version ).
  5. Magister Augustin Prescher; 52 years pastor in our parish. Retrieved May 25, 2019.
  6. ^ Frank Andert (Red.): Radebeul City Lexicon . Historical manual for the Loessnitz . Published by the Radebeul City Archives. 2nd, slightly changed edition. City archive, Radebeul 2006, ISBN 3-938460-05-9 , p. 210 .