Augusto Moccetti

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Augusto Moccetti (born July 3, 1850 in Bioggio ; † July 7, 1900 in Liestal ) was a Swiss architect and engineer .


Augusto Moccetti first attended the Lyceum in Lugano as a student of Professor Giuseppe Fraschina , then he moved to Milan , where he worked in the studio of the engineer Veratti and participated in the construction and restoration of the Church of Santa Eufemia . In the years 1873–1874 he was with his brother-in-law in Algeria , where he built palaces. Returning to Bioggio, he worked as an architect for the Swiss Federal Railways . In 1883 he created the city map of Lugano, in 1894 the large water tank there and in 1895 the public fountain on Manzoni Square.

In 1878 he began his military career as an aspiring instructor of the weapon of the Engineer Corps in the Swiss Army . He was last lieutenant colonel . He died on the arsenal in Liestal.


  • Virgilio Chiesa: Augusto Moccetti. In Lineamenti storici del Malcantone. Gaggini-Bizzozero, Curio 2002.
  • Augusto Moccetti. In: Società Ingegneri e Architetti del Cantone Ticino, Annuario: 1899–1900–1901. Danzi e C., Locarno.

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Individual evidence

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Augusto Moccetti. In: Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland . Fifth volume, Maillard – Saint Didiers, p. 122 (PDF; 29.3 MB), accessed on October 9, 2017.
  2. Augusto Moccetti. In: Virgilio Chiesa : Lineamenti storici del Malcantone. 2002, p. 217.