Upper Lithuania

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Cultural regions of today's Lithuania
  • Lithuania Minor (formerly Memelland)
  • Schemeitien (Lower Lithuania)
  • Aukschtaitien (Upper Lithuania)
  • Suvalkija (Sudauen)
  • Dzūkija (Central Lithuania)
  • Upper Lithuania (Aukschtaitien , Lithuanian : Aukštaitija) is a historical part of Lithuania in the center and east of the country. It includes the present administrative districts of Vilnius , Kaunas , Šiauliai , Panevėžys and Utena .

    Upper Lithuania is the more densely populated part of the country compared to Lower Lithuania ( Žemaitėjė ). The name goes back to the Lithuanian tribe of the Aukschtaiten . In the southwest, Upper Lithuania borders on Suvalkija and Dzūkija , two other historical regions of Lithuania.


    In the entry in 1294, Austechia, terra regis Lethowie ("Aukschtaitien, Land of the King of Lithuania") is mentioned as the country and the village Romainiai (now it is in what is now Central Lithuania ) was mentioned in the Chronicon terrae Prussiae by Peter von Dusburg . In the treaty of October 2, 1323, concluded in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius , Grand Duke Gediminas describes his territories (lant to Eusteythen unde Sameyten) .

    See also

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Petri de Dusburg Chronicon terrae Prussiae. - Scriptores rerum prussicarum, or the historical sources from the Prussian prehistoric times up to the fall of the order. Leipzig 1861, vol. 1, p. 159 (III, 259).
    2. Chartularium Lithuaniae res gestas magniducis Gedeminne illustrans - Gedimino laiškai / tekstus, vertimus in komentarus parengė S. C. Rowell, Vilnius 2003, p. 80.