Aurelia Wyleżyńska

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Aurelia Wyleżyńska (also Aura Wyleżyńska , * 1881 or 1889 in Ocnița / Podolia , today Republic of Moldova ; † August 3, 1944 in Warsaw ) was a Polish writer and journalist .


Aurelia Wyleżyńska (1928)

Aurelia Wyleżyńska studied Polish literature and philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow from 1907 to 1911 . During the First World War , as an Austrian citizen, she was deported to Saratov in the summer of 1915 by order of the tsarist army command, where she met the budding writer, essayist and translator Jan Parandowski and married in 1918 . After the war, the couple moved to Parandowski's hometown of Lviv . After the divorce in 1924 , she left Poland and went to Paris, where she actively participated in the life of the Polish diaspora there.

After the German Reich invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, she traveled from Salishchyky , where she was vacationing in an artist's house on the Dniestr , to Warsaw, to directly observe and document the National Socialist occupation of the Polish capital. She hid Jews, including officers of the Polish Army, in her apartment on Lipowa Street. She also wrote for the underground press, smuggled medicines into the Warsaw Ghetto and from mid-1940 worked as a volunteer in Warsaw hospitals. Shortly before her death, she arranged the diary notes that are now kept in the National Library in Warsaw and in the Central Archives for Modern Files.

“This is my will [...] It is my wish to publish this diary. During his lifetime or posthumously. "

- Aurelia Wyleżyńska on her diary entries, note dated April 3, 1944

Aurelia Wyleżyńska died on August 3, 1944 as a result of the gunshot wound she suffered the day before during the Warsaw Uprising .


  • Ryszard Berwiński. Studyum ( Ryszard Berwiński . A study ). Krakow 1913
  • U złotych wrót. Powieść (At the Golden Gate. Roman). Lviv 1922
  • Maria Leszczyńska na dworze wersalskim ( Maria Leszczyńska at the court of Versailles. Biography). Poznan 1923, 1935
  • Niespodzianki. Powieść (Surprises. Novel). Lviv / Warsaw 1924
  • Ilustrowany przewodnik dla wychodźców we Francji (Illustrated Guide for Exiles in France). Paris 1925
  • Jeunes poètes polonais (Young Polish Poets). Paris 1926 (French; digitized on Gallica / French National Library )
  • Księga udręki. Powieść (Book of Torment . Novel). Warsaw 1926
  • Czarodziejskie miasto. Opowieść (The Magic City. Story). Warsaw 1928
  • L'emigration polonaise en France (Polish emigration in France). Paris 1928, 1931 (French)
  • Biała czarodziejka (The White Enchantress. Biography of the pianist Maria Kalergis ). Warsaw 1929
  • Serce podzielone na ćwierci. Powieść (heart divided into quarters. Roman). Warsaw 1931
  • W mieście świata polskie ścieżki (Polish Ways in the City of the World). Poznan 1931
  • Z duszą twoją na ramieniu. Listy z Hiszpanii (With your soul on your shoulder. Letters from Spain). Warsaw 1933
  • Notatki pamiętnikarskie (diary notes 1939–1944). Unpublished typescript; Digitized on


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to DNB , BnF and VIAF .
  2. Bernhard Hartmann in Sinn und Form № 5/2019, p. 640.
  3. Martin Sander: Furious reporter in a doomed city - Aurelia Wylezynska's notes from occupied Warsaw. In: NZZ from July 25, 2020.
  4. quoted from: Sinn und Form, Heft 5/2019, p. 640.
  5. About the Institute / Yad Vashem Studies