Implementation Act for the KJHG

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The implementing legislation for KJHG determine in Germany in particular, the support of the public youth welfare by state law . The legal basis is the federal legal regulation in § 69 SGB ​​VIII .


With the determination of the providers, it is clarified which institutions are responsible for the implementation of the individual tasks of child and youth welfare. These institutions are the youth welfare offices and the state youth welfare offices .

The tasks of the youth welfare office are carried out by the youth welfare committee and the administration of the youth welfare office, the tasks of the state youth welfare office by the state youth welfare committee and the administration of the state youth welfare office.

Implementation laws of the individual federal states

  • Baden-Württemberg : Child and Youth Welfare Act for Baden-Württemberg in the version of April 14, 2005
  • Bavaria : Law for the implementation of the social laws (AGSG) of December 8, 2006, part 7 regulations for the area of ​​the eighth book of the social code - child and youth welfare - and for further regulations of the child and youth welfare law
  • Berlin : Law for the implementation of the Child and Youth Welfare Act (AG KJHG) in the version of April 27, 2001
  • Brandenburg : First law to implement the eighth book of the Social Security Code - Child and Youth Welfare (AGKJHG) in the version published on June 26, 1997
  • Bremen : First law for the implementation of the eighth book of the social security code - law for the implementation of the child and youth welfare law in the state of Bremen (BremAGKJHG) of September 17, 1991
  • Hamburg : Hamburg Law for the Implementation of Book Eight of the Social Code - Child and Youth Welfare - (AG SGB VIII) of June 25, 1997
  • Hessen : Hessian Child and Youth Welfare Act (HKJGB) of December 18, 2006
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania : Law for the implementation of Book Eight of the Social Code - Child and Youth Welfare - (State Youth Welfare Organization Act -KJHG-Org MV) of February 23, 1993
  • Lower Saxony : Lower Saxony law for the implementation of Book Eight of the Social Security Code and for the Lower Saxony Children and Youth Commission (Nds. AG SGB VIII) of February 5, 1993
  • North Rhine-Westphalia : Third law for the implementation of the Child and Youth Welfare Act; Law for the Promotion of Youth Work, Youth Social Work and Educational Child and Youth Protection - Child and Youth Promotion Act - (3rd AG-KJHG - KJFöG)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate : State law for the implementation of the Child and Youth Welfare Act (AGKJHG) of December 21, 1993
  • Saarland : First law to implement the Child and Youth Welfare Act (AG KJHG) of July 9, 1993
  • Saxony : Implementation Act for Book 8 of the Social Code (SGB VIII) - Children and Youth Welfare - and other laws for the protection of young people for the Free State of Saxony from March 4, 1992
  • Saxony-Anhalt : Child and Youth Welfare Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (KJHG-LSA) of May 5, 2000
  • Schleswig-Holstein : First law to implement the Child and Youth Welfare Act (Jugendförderungsgesetz - JuFöG -) Schleswig-Holstein of February 5, 1992
  • Thuringia : Thuringian Child and Youth Welfare Implementation Act (ThürKJHAG) in the version of the notice of February 26, 2009 (GVBl. P. 1), last amended by Art. 5 of the law of May 4, 2010 (GVBl. P. 105)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Robert Sauter: The basic institutional structure of child and youth welfare, Book VIII of the Online Manual, January 18, 2016
  2. Journal of Laws p. 376
  3. GVBl. P. 942, BayRS 86-7-A / G
  4. GVBl. 2001, 134
  5. GVBl.I / 97, No. 07, p. 87
  6. Journal of Laws p. 318
  7. HmbGVBl. 1997, p. 273
  8. GVBl. I 2006, 698
  9. GVOBl. MV 1993, p. 158
  10. Nds. GVBl. 1993, 45
  11. ^ GV. NRW. 2004 p. 572
  12. GVBl. 1993, 632
  13. Official Journal 1993, p. 807
  14. SächsGVBl. P. 61
  15. GVBl. LSA 2000, 236
  16. GVBl. P. 158