Bésian Arroy

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Bésian Arroy (* 1590 ; † October 1677 ) was a French theologian .


Bésian Arroy was prior and canon of the abbey of Île Barbe and was awarded a doctorate at the Sorbonne , where he taught philosophy and theology . He later worked as a preacher in Lyon . He was friends with the theologian Bédien Morange .

In the question of the extent to which Louis XIII. as fils aîné de l Égilse ("eldest son of the church") and roi très chrétien ("most Christian king") were entitled to enter into alliances with "heretical" areas of the Holy Roman Empire (i.e. German Protestants) and Sweden , Arroy took the position that the French king had extensive discretion in this regard. He expressed this opinion in his writing Questions décidées sur la justice des armes des rois de France, sur les alliances avec les herétiques ou infidèles et sur la conduite de la conscience des gens de guerre (Paris 1634). Cornelius Jansen , Bishop of Ypres , who gave the king much less freedom in the above-mentioned issue, wrote a reply to Arroy's work under the pseudonym Alexander Patricius Armacanus in his Mars Gallicus (1635).

In addition, Arroy wrote the following works:

  • Apologie pour la vie religieuse ou monastique , Paris 1634
  • Apologie pour l'église de Lyon, contre les notes et prétendues corrections sur le nouveau bréviaire de Lyon , Lyon 1644 (this apology, in which the author praises the first archbishops of Lyon and depicts their holiness, is a response to a work by the French Cleric and historian Claude le Laboureur )
  • Domus ombrevallis vimiacae accurata descriptio , Lyon 1661 (description of the country house of the Archbishop of Lyon)
  • Briève et dévote histoire de l'abbaye royale Saint-Martin de l'Isle-Barbe , Lyon 1668 (reply to the first part of Claude le Laboreur ' Les Mazures de l'Abbaye de l'Isle-Barbe-lès-Lyon )
  • Le prince instruit en la philosophie, en françois… avec une métaphysique historique , Lyon 1671
  • Traité des usures, contre certains zélez qui font courre des écrits sur cette matière, qui ne servent qu'à mettre les consciences en scrupule , Lyon 1674

In 1666, Arroy also published Gilberti Grimbaldi opera theologica posthuma .


  • Bésian Arroy , in: The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 3, 2 (1844), p. 648.
  • L. Bertrand: Bésian Arroy. Théologal de l'Église de Lyon. In: Bulletin historique et archéologique du Diocèse de Lyon. 3 (1902), pp. 29-40.


  1. a b Bésian Arroy , in: The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , Vol. 3, 2 (1844), p. 648
  2. ^ Léonard Boitel, Aimé Vingtrinier: Besian Arroy , in: Revue de Lyonnais , Vol. 5 (1836), p. 194.
  3. ^ Andreas Nikolaus Pietsch: Isaac La Peyrère : Biblical Criticism, Philosemitism and Patronage in the Learned Republic of the 17th Century , 2012, p. 226 ( online on Google Books ).