Mayoral election in Istanbul 2019

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Mayoral election in Istanbul 2019
Turnout: 84.43%
Gains and losses
compared to March 2014
 % p

The mayoral election in Istanbul 2019 , like comparable elections in all other cities in Turkey , took place on March 31, 2019 , but was canceled by a decision of the High Electoral Committee (YSK) and repeated on June 23, 2019. Among other things, the two candidates with the most votes in the canceled ballot, Ekrem İmamoğlu ( CHP ) and Binali Yıldırım ( AKP ), ran again. İmamoğlu won the re-election with a turnout of more than 84 percent with a lead of more than 800,000 votes. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan congratulated İmamoğlu on his election.

Canceled election


As in most other major cities, Istanbul was expected to make the choice between the CHP and the AKP. While the AKP sent the former prime minister Binali Yıldırım into the race, Ekrem İmamoğlu was elected as a CHP candidate. According to party chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, this decision met with some concerns within the party, since İmamoğlu, as Beylikdüzü mayor, was not known to most of Istanbul's residents (unlike his (main) competitor Yıldırım). However, this fact changed in the course of the election campaign, as surveys show.

Election process and contestation

The first results on election day showed Yıldırım in the lead, which in the course of the evening changed more and more in favor of the CHP candidate until finally İmamoğlu took the lead the next day and kept this lead (of around 24,000 votes). However, when their candidate was still ahead by a few thousand votes, Yıldırım and the AKP announced the election victory. A little later, İmamoğlu stated that the results showed him in the lead and at the same time criticized the state news agency Anadolu for not updating the results even though votes were still being counted. The AKP announced the following day that it would object to the results. In five of the 39 districts, all votes were then counted anew, in the remaining only the invalid ones. This process lasted until April 16, 2019, and ended with İmamoğlu receiving his certificate of appointment the next day.

The AKP made use of its right to bring a so-called extraordinary complaint to the High Electoral Commission. One allegation was that 11,000 voters were illegally registered in the Büyükçekmece district and that officials who were put to the ballot box were part of the FETÖ , which the ruling Turkish AKP government regards as a "terrorist organization". An AKP representative of the High Electoral Committee, on the other hand, justified the cancellation with the fact that some polling stations had illegally deployed helpers who were not employees of the state.

Finally, on May 6, 2019, the High Election Committee announced that the election would have to take place again. While the AKP welcomed this decision, the opposition spoke of a “dictatorship”. As a result, İmamoğlu received encouragement from many Turkish celebrities. The head of the High Election Committee (YSK), Sadi Güven, stated that he saw no need to cancel the election and therefore voted against it (the decision of the YSK was seven to four per repetition of the election).


Period / Date Institute ACP CHP Otherwise.
March 21-27, 2019 ORC 49.6 47.2 3.2
March 20-27, 2019 Piar 48.2 50.3 1.5
March 19-22, 2019 Optimar 49.7 48.8 1.5
March 9-19, 2019 AREA 48.0 50.3 1.7
March 10-18, 2019 ADA 48.4 49.2 2.4
March 16-17, 2019 Gezici 49.3 48.6 2.1
March 7-12, 2019 Themis 48.3 49.3 2.4
March 10, 2019 Avrasya 48.5 50.1 1.4
February 26 to March 4, 2019 ORC 50.9 46.6 2.5
February 23 to 24, 2019 Gezici 52.1 46.6 1.3
February 9th to 15th, 2019 PollMark 49.4 50.6 -
March 30, 2014 Local elections (in İstanbul ) 47.95 40.08 11.97


Results of the canceled mayoral election
Political party candidate Total votes Be right % Compared to 2014
CHP Ekrem Imamoglu 4,169,765 48.8 +8.7
ACP Binali Yıldırım 4,156,036 48.6 +0.7
SP Necdet Gökçınar 103.364 1.2 −0.2
DSP Muammer Aydın 30,884 0.4 +0.3
BTP Selim Kotil 27,087 0.3 +0.3
DP Ersan Gökgöz 22,268 0.3 +0.2
VP Mustafa İlker Yücel 15,428 0.2 ± 0.0
Independent candidates 14,657 0.2 +0.2
CPM Zehra Güner Karaoğlu 10,349 0.1 ± 0.0

Repeated choice


At the election on June 23, the DSP, the TKP and some independent candidates stated that they would not run again, whereby the DSP will not support any of the candidates in the further course and the TKP is boycotting the elections. On June 10, the CHP and the AKP announced in a joint press conference that their candidates would participate in a televised debate which took place on June 16 and which would be broadcast on all television channels. A television duel between Turkish politicians before an election last took place in 2002 (also between the CHP and the AKP). In addition to İmamoğlu and Yıldırım, the candidates of the Saadet Partisi , the Vatan Partisi , and 17 independent candidates ran again.

Election observer

Several thousand election observers were present at the election. The Council of Europe observers spoke of an election that had been carried out "competently" and in an "orderly manner".

Election results and reactions

For the Islamic conservative AKP it was the worst defeat since it was founded in August 2001. The Süddeutsche Zeitung described the result as an "earthquake".


Period / Date Institute ACP CHP Otherwise.
June 18-20, 2019 PİAR 47.6 51.5 0.9
June 18-20, 2019 ORC 49.8 49.4 0.8
June 17th to 20th, 2019 Avrasya 46.3 53.0 0.7
June 17th to 19th, 2019 İEA 47.0 52.1 0.9
18th June 2019 Remres 48.5 51.1 0.4
June 15-16, 2019 CONDA 45.0 54.0 1.0
June 15, 2019 sonar 46.7 52.3 0.9
June 15, 2019 ADA 48.3 50.6 1.1
June 12, 2019 AREDA 47.8 51.0 1.2
June 8th to 12th, 2019 Themis 45.7 53.4 0.9
May 15-20, 2019 MAK 48.2 50.3 1.5
April 21-22, 2019 Consensus 48.1 50.2 1.7
March 31, 2014 Local elections (in İstanbul ) 47.95 40.08 11.97


Results of the (repeated) mayoral election
Political party candidate Total votes Be right % Compared to 2014 Compared to the canceled option
CHP Ekrem Imamoglu 4,741,870 54.21 +14.13 +5.44
ACP Binali Yıldırım 3,935,444 44.99 −2.96 −3.62
SP Necdet Gökçınar 47.829 0.55 −0.89 −0.66
VP Mustafa İlker Yücel 14,545 0.17 ± 0.0 −0.01
Independent candidates 6.770 0.08 +0.08 −0.12

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Turkey: Electoral authority orders new elections in Istanbul . In: The time . May 6, 2019, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed on May 11, 2019]).
  2. Onur Erem: İstanbul'da hangi partiler çekildi, hangileri 23 Haziran'da seçime katılıyor? May 8, 2019 ( [accessed May 11, 2019]).
  3. ^ "New beginning for Turkey" ,, published and accessed on June 23, 2019.
  4. Victory of the opposition candidate - Erdogan congratulates Imamoglu ,, published and accessed on June 23, 2019.
  5. ^ Az Önce Oldu: Kılıçdaroğlu, İmamoğlu'nun adaylık sürecini anlattı. April 25, 2019, accessed on May 11, 2019 (tr-TR).
  6. Milli Gazete. Retrieved May 11, 2019 (Turkish).
  7. ^ Basler Zeitung, Tamedia Espace AG: Erdogan wants to have the election repeated in Istanbul . ISSN  1420-3006 ( [accessed on May 11, 2019]).
  8. YSK'dan Maltepe ve Büyükçekmece kararı. Retrieved May 11, 2019 (Turkish).
  9. ^ Salzburger Nachrichten: CHP opposition candidate declared the winner in Istanbul. Retrieved May 11, 2019 .
  10. AKP YSK'ya başvurdu, İstanbul'da yeni seçim istedi . April 16, 2019 ( [accessed May 11, 2019]).
  11. Turkish opposition objects to presidential elections. In: Spiegel Online . May 8, 2019.
  12. ^ New elections in Istanbul: Opposition sees "dictatorship". Retrieved May 11, 2019 .
  13. A broad movement against Erdogan is forming in Turkey. Retrieved May 11, 2019 .
  14. ^ ZEIT ONLINE: Election in Istanbul: Head of the electoral authority sees no need for new elections . In: The time . May 23, 2019, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed May 26, 2019]).
  15. Sputnik: ORC Araştırma'dan yerel seçim anketi: İstanbul ile Ankara'da Cumhur İttifakı önde. Retrieved March 29, 2019 (Turkish).
  16. İşte 6 büyükşehirden son anket sonuçları. March 29, 2019, accessed March 30, 2019 (Turkish).
  17. Optimar survey. Retrieved March 29, 2019 (Turkish).
  18. İşte Ankara ve İstanbul'dan son anket sonuçları. March 24, 2019, accessed March 24, 2019 (Turkish).
  19. Sputnik: ADA Araştırma, İstanbul için son seçim anketini açıkladı. Retrieved March 20, 2019 (Turkish).
  20. Sputnik: Gezici'nin anketine göre İstanbul, Ankara ve Hatay'ın da aralarında bulunduğu 7 şehirde son durum. Retrieved March 22, 2019 (Turkish).
  21. İstanbul için son yerel seçim anketi. March 18, 2019, accessed March 18, 2019 (Turkish).
  22. Avrasya polls. Retrieved March 14, 2019 (Turkish).
  23. 2019 yerel seçim anketi: Hangi ilde kim önde? İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir güncel seçim anketi Gündem Haberi | GÜNEŞ. Retrieved March 11, 2019 .
  24. ^ Gezici survey. Retrieved March 22, 2019 (Turkish).
  25. Son Dakika Türk: O anket şirketinden çok çarpıcı Ankara seçim anketi sonuçları. Retrieved March 14, 2019 (Turkish).
  26. DSP'den İstanbul seçimleri açıklaması. May 7, 2019, accessed May 26, 2019 (Turkish).
  27. Onur Erem: Saadet Partisi 23 Haziran'da seçime giriyor . May 14, 2019 ( [accessed May 26, 2019]).
  28. (be) : On June 16 at 9:00 p.m. local time, both applicants for the renewed mayoral election of Istanbul will meet in front of the cameras. Retrieved June 13, 2019 .
  29. Recurring candidates. Retrieved June 23, 2019 (Turkish).
  31. ORF at / agencies red: Istanbul election: Good testimony from the Council of Europe. June 24, 2019, accessed June 24, 2019 .
  33. En taze anket Piar'dan: İmamoğlu 4 puan önde, Öcalan'ın etkisi 'nötr'. June 22, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2019 (American English).
  34. ^ ORC, İstanbul için, son anket sonucunu açıkladı. Retrieved June 22, 2019 (tr-TR).
  35. Seçime saatler kala son anket; Aradaki fark 6 puanın üzerinde. Retrieved June 22, 2019 (Turkish).
  36. İstanbul Ekonomi Araştırma son anketini yayınladı; hangi aday önde, ortak yayını kim kazandı? - Fotoğraf Galerisi. Retrieved June 22, 2019 (Turkish).
  37. Sputnik: REMRES Araştırma'dan İstanbul Anketi. Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Turkish).
  38. Konda | Note on the Election on June 23. Retrieved June 19, 2019 .
  39. Sputnik: Sonar'ın 23 Haziran anketi: İmamoğlu 5.6 puan önde. Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Turkish).
  40. İstanbul seçimi: ADA Araştırma anket sonuçlarını açıkladı. In: Gazete Karınca. June 15, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 (Turkish).
  41. AREDA'dan son seçim anketi! İşte aradaki fark. Retrieved June 15, 2019 (Turkish).
  42. İstanbul için son seçim anketi! June 13, 2019, accessed June 13, 2019 (Turkish).
  43. Deutsche Welle ( Anket: İmamoğlu 2 puan önde | DW | May 27, 2019. Retrieved June 4, 2019 (tr-TR).
  44. Kerem Congar: Consensus Araştırma'dan ilk seçim anketi: Fark Ekrem İmamoğlu lehine 180 binin üzerine çıkıyor. Retrieved October 5, 2019 (Turkish).
  45. İstanbul Seçim Sonuçları - 23 Haziran 2019 İstanbul Seçimleri - NTV. Retrieved June 24, 2019 (Turkish).