Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben

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Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben (born May 19, 1855 in Weimar , † May 19, 1927 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf ) was a German painter . His artistic work was mainly focused on landscape painting with a regional focus on the Weser Uplands, especially in the area of ​​Höxter / Corvey, where his father August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerslebenworked as a librarian from 1860. The only son from his famous father's marriage to his niece Ida zum Berge, after training in Düsseldorf and Weimar, has left behind a number of works since the 1870s, most of which are now owned by the Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben-Gesellschaft and privately owned are located. In total there are over 500 paintings / oil paintings and around 30 sketchbooks that Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben left behind. His works are classified as “Reality Painting”, a landscape painting between naturalism and impressionism between the last quarter of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century (O. Gradel).

life and work

Franz (Friedrich Hermann) Hoffmann-Fallersleben was born on May 19, 1855 in Weimar as the second child of the poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben and his wife Ida. His godparents were the composer Franz Liszt and Friedrich Preller , who worked as an art teacher in Weimar. His mother came from the pastor's family zum Berge in Bothfeld near Hanover. She was significantly younger than her father, who she married as a close relative (niece) in 1849 at the age of 18. Franz remained the only child from this marriage. His two siblings died in childhood. At the age of five, Franz was a half-orphan. The mother died in 1860 at the age of 29, the same year the family moved to Corvey . There Franz's father got a job as a librarian with the Duke of Ratibor, the new owner of the Corvey Abbey. The mother was replaced by an aunt from the zum Berge family, with whom Franz grew up in Corvey.

The youth does not seem to have been completely unproblematic. Franz was a student at several high schools: from 1867 at the Pro-Gymnasium in Höxter, then at the Gymnasium in Helmstedt (from 1869) and from 1871 as a student at the Gymnasium in Holzminden. His artistic and musical interests showed up early on. With the support of his father, Franz began studying at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1872 , then known for the Düsseldorf School of Painting . Andreas Müller and Heinrich Lauenstein were his academic teachers there until 1873 . According to the Academy’s bond , the study conditions for the youth’s development were not particularly good, and his famous father could not support him any further at the time. Franz therefore changed his place of study and moved to Weimar, his place of birth. There he continued his art studies with the support and help of his godfather. Hoffmann was a pupil and master class student with Theodor Hagen (1842-1919) in Weimar . He successfully completed his studies there in 1879. Until 1888 he lived in Weimar, with an interruption of a two-year stay, again in Düsseldorf, where there were contacts with painter colleagues and a study trip that led to Rome. The young painter's first verifiable sketches and studies date from the 1870s (forest studies, Weser Uplands, Baltic Sea, etc.).

Franz Hoffmann married Thekla Luise Kaiser (1858–1927) in 1882, also an artist who made a name for herself as a ceramicist with Art Nouveau vases and objects. The family moved from Weimar to Berlin in 1888. Two children were born in Weimar during the first years of their marriage: Maria Katharina (1883–1948) and Hans-Joachim (1886–1924), who also later worked as a painter. Another daughter was born in Berlin in 1891.

During his creative time, Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben went on study trips, in particular to the area around Hanover, the Lüneburg Heath, East Westphalia, the Oldenburger Land, to the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas, as well as to Thuringia and his homeland, in the Weserbergland near Corvey. His pictures are in exhibitions a. a. has been shown in Bremen, Breslau, Düsseldorf, Dresden, Hanover, Hamburg, Munich, Oldenburg, Poznan and Rome. In 1903 he was appointed honorary professor by the Grand Duke of Oldenburg.


Shortly after the death of his wife, Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben also died in Berlin at the age of 72. He was buried in the historical cemetery in his hometown Weimar .


  • Fritz Andrée: Hoffmann von Fallersleben. The poet's life, work and memorials in words and pictures. Hoffmann von Fallersleben Society 1972
  • Wilfried Henze: Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben (1855-1927). A landscape painter in his time. Höxter 2002, ISBN 3-934802-13-3
  • Oliver Gradel: Hoffmann-Fallersleben, Franz . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 74, de Gruyter, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-023179-3 , p. 115.
  • Oliver Gradel: Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben (1855–1927). In: Silke Köhn / Oliver Gradel: Artists in the Weserbergland and the Düsseldorf School of Painting. Höxter / Corvey 2010, ISBN 978-3-86206-037-5 , pp. 18-59

Web links

Commons : Franz Hoffmann-Fallersleben  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Finding aid 212.01.04 Student lists of the Art Academy Düsseldorf , website in the portal ( Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen )