August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben
August Heinrich Hoffmann , known as Hoffmann von Fallersleben (born April 2, 1798 in Fallersleben , Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg , † January 19, 1874 in Corvey ) was a German university professor for German studies who made a significant contribution to the establishment of the subject as a scientific discipline, poet as well as collectors and editors of old writings from various languages. He wrote the later German national anthem , Das Lied der Deutschen , as well as numerous popular children's songs . To distinguish it from other bearers of the frequent family name Hoffmann (for example the children's book author Heinrich Hoffmann vom Struwwelpeter ), he took the name of origin from Fallersleben as an addition .
August Heinrich Hoffmann was the son of the businessman, innkeeper, senator and mayor of Fallersleben Heinrich Wilhelm Hoffmann and his wife Dorothea Balthasar, daughter of a master brewer from Wittingen . After attending the public school in Fallersleben, he attended the pedagogy in Helmstedt from April 7, 1812 to April 19, 1814 . On April 25, 1814, he was accepted into the Prima of the Katharineum in Braunschweig . In May 1815 he made his debut with four poems.
In April 1816, at the age of 18, Hoffmann began in Göttingen (according to his own admission "with little money and desire") to study theology and in the same year became a member of the Old Göttingen Burschenschaft ( Teutonia ). Actually he was more interested in the history of classical antiquity , his role model here was Johann Joachim Winckelmann .

When he made the acquaintance of Jacob Grimm in 1818 while studying in the museum and library of the city of Kassel, the latter asked him whether his fatherland wasn't closer to him than antiquity. He then switched to studying German language and literature ( German and German philology ). In 1818 his father was able to save him from military service with his connections and money . In the same year Hoffmann followed his teacher Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker to the University of Bonn . There Ernst Moritz Arndt became one of his lecturers. In 1819 he became a member of the Old Bonn Burschenschaft ( general public ).
On May 8, 1821, Hoffmann found fragments of a medieval Bible epic by Otfrid . Shortly afterwards he published an essay on this find with the title Bonner Bruchstücke vom Otfried, along with other linguistic monuments . In the same year his collection of poems, songs and romances , appeared, using the name Hoffmann von Fallersleben . With the addition of his hometown, he only wanted to avoid identifying names and was not out to fake a title of nobility.
Working life

In December 1821 he left Bonn and went to Berlin to become a librarian with the help of his brother . This brought him together with Freiherr Gregor von Meusebach , whose private library was known throughout Prussia . In the circle of Freiherr Meusebach, Hoffmann became friends with Friedrich Carl von Savigny , Georg Friedrich Hegel , Adelbert von Chamisso , Ludwig Uhland and others.
In 1823 Hoffmann was appointed curator of the Wroclaw University Library . There he was appointed associate professor for German language and literature in 1830, succeeding Johann Gustav Gottlieb Büsching, and in 1835 he was appointed full professor.
In 1840 and 1841 he published his collection of poems, Unpolitische Lieder (Part 1 with 140, Part 2 with 150 poems). The high circulation of 12,000 copies met with great demand. During a stay on the then English bathing island of Helgoland , he wrote the song of the Germans on August 26, 1841 , which was sung in public for the first time in Hamburg on October 5 of the same year.
Hoffmann was particularly interested in the Old Dutch ( Old and Middle Dutch ) language. He made a total of eight trips to Holland and Flanders , where he was the founder of Dutch philology and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Leiden . He describes such a trip after his studies in Bonn very impressively in the introduction to his collection of old Dutch songs, which he published thirty years later under the title “Loverkens” in the series “Horae Belgicae” and dedicated to Göttingen University . In 1837 in Valenciennes he discovered the Eulalia sequence, which is important for Romance studies .
Wandering years

Because of his advocacy of a unified Germany and his liberal stance, which was expressed in his apolitical songs , Hoffmann was relieved of his professorship by the Prussian government in 1842 . The government accused him of "politically offensive principles and tendencies" based on the scriptures. A year later his Prussian citizenship was revoked and he was expelled from the country. This was the turning point in his life; Hoffmann went into exile . He wandered across Germany, but was accepted by political friends. The pre-March politician Georg Fein was one of his friends in exile . Constantly spied on by the police, he was expelled 39 times, including three times from his hometown of Fallersleben. In the 20th century, plaques were attached to the buildings at several stages in his wandering life.
For a long time he was given shelter on the Mecklenburg manor Holdorf near Brüel, whose owner Rudolf Müller declared him to be a cowherd to the authorities , and placed him on the neighboring manor Buchholz near Ventschow with his political companion, the landowner Samuel Schnelle . His most beautiful children's songs were written in the seclusion of country life; The Texan songs emerged from the acquaintance with Pastor Adolf Fuchs , who was determined to emigrate to Texas . In the autumn of 1846 he lived at Haus Roland near Düsseldorf , where the historian and writer Anton Fahne gave him shelter. During this time he worked on the volume of poetry Diavolini . He did not take an active part in the March Revolution of 1848. In the year of the revolution he was rehabilitated thanks to an amnesty law and received a waiting allowance on Prussian soil as a pension, but he did not get his professorship back.
marriage and family
In 1849 Hoffmann was able to return to the Rhineland after rehabilitation. On October 28 of the same year, the 51-year-old married his 18-year-old niece Ida vom Berge, a pastor's daughter from Bothfeld near Hanover, in Braunschweig . He had four children with her. Only one son who was born in Weimar in 1855 survived. After his two godparents Franz Liszt and Friedrich Preller he was baptized Franz Friedrich Hermann. He later became a landscape painter. His pictures are exhibited today in the Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben Museum in Wolfsburg-Fallersleben. His wife Ida, b. vom Berge, died October 28, 1860 in childbed at the age of only 29.

The poet had met the composer Liszt in Weimar in 1854, where he published a literary journal on behalf of Grand Duke Carl Alexander . In 1860 the family moved to Corvey. There, through the mediation of Liszt and Princess Marie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, Hoffmann got a job as a librarian at the Princely Library in Corvey with Duke Victor I, Duke of Ratibor . His niece and wife Ida died that same year.
Hoffmann von Fallersleben left behind - despite various hostilities in the relevant literature - a thoroughly respectable library work. After all, he left a lasting mark on the profile of the Corvey library and made it what it is to this day: a library known far beyond the borders of East Westphalia, which is now frequented by scholars and interested parties from all over the world. Hoffmann's greatest merit is certainly the collection of "his" magnificent works of art. The good equipment in the subject of German studies can also be traced back to Hoffmann, and in particular to Medieval Studies , an area to which Hoffmann felt particularly committed because of his profession as a professor. The purchase of the “Wigand's estate” is thanks to Hoffmann and, finally, the production of the alphabetical catalog in slip form as well as the special directories, which are still an important aid for the user despite all modern technology.
August Heinrich Hoffmann died in Corvey Castle near Höxter in 1874 at the age of 75 after a stroke . He was buried in the presence of hundreds of mourners next to his wife in the small cemetery next to the former Corvey abbey church.
Political importance

Hoffmann's politicization took place in his childhood. Born a few years after the French Revolution , he grew into the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation with hundreds of the smallest, absolutist ruled principalities. As a child, during the Napoleonic occupation, he saw the introduction of civil rights (equality before the law, freedom of religion, public judicial proceedings, etc.). After the Grande Armée withdrew as a result of the defeat in Russia in 1812, the old nobility order in the form of the Kingdom of Hanover was reinstated in the poet's homeland .
The political importance of Hoffmann consisted in the struggle for the lost civil liberties and in the efforts to create a unified German fatherland. The latter happened above all through his Deutschlandlied , which at the time was enthusiastically sung by students and liberal-minded citizens. His apolitical songs were by no means apolitical. They attacked the political conditions of that time, such as small states , press censorship , prince arbitrariness, omnipotence of the police and the military.
For him, as for many of his generation, the experience of the Rhine Crisis , when France laid claim to the Rhineland in 1840/41, shaped his attitude towards France . The rejection of such expansion requests was also the reason to write the song of the Germans . In its first stanza he calls for the unity of the Germans, which will lead to triumph over every attacker (“Germany over everything”). The rejection of France solidified on Fallersleben, the longer France worked in his eyes against a German unification. During the Franco-Prussian War he wrote in the summer of 1870:
“[…] And leaves us only the hatred, the hatred of this rejected French race, these horrors of humanity, these great dogs, this grande nation de l'infamie et de la bassesse.
God grant and He exists that we may emerge gloriously from this difficult struggle and render mankind the great service that mine, our all 'Germany above all' becomes truth. "

Hoffmann also wrote anti-Jewish poems such as B. Emancipation (1840), in which it is addressed to the people of “Israel”: “You stole from under our feet / Our German fatherland ... And you have been instructed by this God / We are concerned about usury, lies and deception. ... If you do not want to give up this God, / Germany will never open its ear to you. "
Corresponding anti-Judaistic connotations (e.g. alleged usury, self-overestimation or abundance of power) were also used by Hoffmann in his mocking poem Das Lied von Sandomir and his polemical poems against Rothschild ( modesty leads to the highest of the world ; the German emperor's valet ) and Heine . In his nationalistic definition of being German, he wanted to see “the foreign completely banished” and “foreign words” as well as their “meaning” abolished and wished “curse and destruction / all this strange trinket ”.
His works made Hoffmann von Fallersleben famous in one fell swoop, but also cost him his professional career. After the publication of the Unpolitische Lieder , he initially had major problems with the Prussian government because of his nationalism, which aimed at the disempowerment of individual princes. In 1842 he was dismissed from the teaching post and remained without a permanent position for years.
In 1845 Hoffmann visited the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein , initially full of enthusiasm for the German national revolt against the Danish royal power. After a meeting in the city of Schleswig , however, he wrote disappointedly in his diary:
“These people from Schleswig have almost only the language in common with us. The Danish essence is very deep in them, and it emerges at every opportunity ... "
Hoffmann's greatest political wish, a united Germany, was at least partially fulfilled during his lifetime when the German Empire was founded under Otto von Bismarck in 1871 .
Literary meaning
Because of their lack of poetic quality, Hoffmann's political poems were already despised by Heinrich Heine as "Sudeleyen", which are only of interest because of their "materiality and temporal relationship". Irina Lucke-Kaminiarz and Hans Lucke admit that the quality of the late work did not differ noticeably from the early work and that Fallersleben's poetry was tailored to the “sociable political culture of bourgeois liberalism”, which explains the great contemporary success. On the other hand, children's poems like All birds are already there , a little man stands in the forest , Santa Claus is coming tomorrow , hum, hum, hum or cuckoo, cuckoo, calls from the forest are included in numerous anthologies and songbooks. Christoph Herin called Fallersleben a poet who wrote “the most beautiful children's songs of the era”. Günter Lange described von Fallersleben as "the author of our most famous children's poems and songs".
The city of Wolfsburg has set up a Hoffmann von Fallersleben Museum in Fallersleben Castle . Hoffmann's birthplace is now run as a hotel-restaurant with a hall (Hoffmann-Haus) and is owned by the city of Wolfsburg. There is a stone bust of the poet in front of the building.
A monument to him has been erected on the North Sea island of Helgoland , as well as in Höxter . A bronze relief with the image of the poet in Hannover the Parliament of Lower Saxony in the line lock attached to a labeled archway. It was manufactured by Siegfried Neuenhausen in 2007 . As a second production, the relief has been hanging in the town hall in Wolfsburg since 2008 .
In his memory that gives Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben Society biennial Hoffmann von Fallersleben Prize .
On May 1st each year, the commemoration day of Hoffmann's inauguration as librarian in Corvey (1860), the Hoffmann von Fallersleben Medal is awarded in the Kaisersaal of Corvey Castle to a personality who has been particularly committed to German unity.
Schools were named after him in several cities (such as Braunschweig , Hanover , Höxter, Lütjenburg , Weimar and Wolfsburg).
In 1941, on the 100th anniversary of the Germany song, an oak tree was planted in memory of the poet in Hanover-Bothfeld at the St. Nicolai Church . He founded his family in Bothfeld in 1849 and composed many heather songs. This is indicated by a memorial stone.
From 1990 to 2006 there was the Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben Bildungswerk e. V., an association of right-wing extremists and cadres named after Hoffmann von Fallersleben .
In 2009 in Bingen - Bingerbrück , a path to the Elisenhöhe was inaugurated under the name "Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben-Weg". It offers a wide view of Bingerbrück, the place where Hoffmann von Fallersleben lived from 1849 to 1851.
On November 23, 1999 the asteroid (10740) Fallersleben was named after him.
Works (selection)
In addition to his political poetry, the poet created 550 children's songs , 80 of which he set to music, many in collaboration with his friend Ernst Richter . He also wrote folk and country songs . The most famous songs are:
- A, a, a, the winter is here
- It will be evening again
- All the birds are already there (written in Althaldensleben )
- Emigration song
- The Song of the Germans , whose third stanza the national anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany is
- Spring has arrived
- The Cuckoo and the donkey
- A little man stands in the forest (Dec. 1843)
- Spring greetings (greetings a thousand times)
- Cuckoo, cuckoo, calls from the forest
- In the autumn
- tomorrow Santa Claus is Coming
- Hum hum hum
- Who has the most beautiful sheep?
- Winter's farewell (" Goodbye winter, parting hurts")
- Between France and the Bohemian Forest
- 2016: Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland , Germany, fairy tale film of the 9th season from the ARD series Six in one fell swoop
Incorrectly attributed quote
The saying " The biggest scoundrel in the whole country, that is and remains the informer " has often been attributed to Hoffmann von Fallersleben since this verse was included in the collections of quotations from Daniel Sanders (1906) and Richard Zoozmann (1911). The source citation “Polit. Poems: Proverbs 17 ”is incomprehensible, however, and the quotation cannot otherwise be found in Hoffmann's work.

Hoffmann von Fallersleben as author (first printing: publisher, place and year of publication):
- Apolitical songs I. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1841 ( digitized version ).
- Non-political songs II. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1842 ( digitized ).
- Preface to political poems from prehistory in Germany. GL Schuler, Strasbourg 1842 (edited and with an afterword by Georg Fein).
- German songs from Switzerland. Winterthur and Zurich 1843.
- Seven stars of godly cradle songs for Mrs. Minna von Winterfeld . Forster, Hochheimer u. Comp. to the 4 towers. Polish Neudorf. 20. Rosenmonds 1827.
- Fifty children's songs by Hoffmann von Fallersleben based on the original and well-known tunes with piano accompaniment. From Ernst Richter. Xaver and Wigand, Leipzig 1843.
- Fifty new children's songs by Hoffmann von Fallersleben based on original and well-known tunes with piano accompaniment. From Ernst Richter. Friedrich Wassermann, Mannheim 1845.
- Forty children's songs by Hoffmann von Fallersleben based on original and folk tunes with piano accompaniment. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1847.
- Loverkens. Old Dutch songs. From Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Dieterichsche Buchhandlung, Göttingen 1852 ( digitized version ).
- My life: records and memories. Six volumes, Carl Rümpler, Hanover 1868–1870; Digitized at .
- Children's Songs , First Complete Edition, obtained from Dr. Lionel von Donop , Second Edition, G. Grote'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1878.
Hoffmann von Fallersleben as editor:
- Political poems from prehistoric German times , 1843 ( digitized ).
- Collected Works, 1893 ( posthumously ).
- August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Hrsg.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon . 3rd, completely revised edition (18 vols.). Vol. 7. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2009, ISBN 978-3-476-04000-8 , pp. 558-560 (summary of the lyrical work of Kurt GP Schuster).
- Hans-Joachim Behr , Herbert Blume , Eberhard Rohse (eds.): August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. 1798-1998. Festschrift for the 200th birthday (= Braunschweig Contributions to the German Language and Literature , Vol. 1). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 1999, ISBN 3-89534-281-5 .
- Jürgen Borchert: Hoffmann von Fallersleben. A German poet's fate. Verlag der Nation, Berlin 1991, ISBN 978-3-373-00467-7 .
- Norbert Otto Eke, Kurt GP Schuster, Günter Tiggesbäumker (eds.): Hoffmann von Fallersleben. International Symposium Corvey / Höxter 2008 (= Braunschweig Contributions to German Language and Literature , Vol. 11). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-89534-851-8 .
- Dieter Berger: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben as persecuted. In: Einst und Jetzt , Vol. 23 (1978), pp. 182-185.
- Cord-Friedrich Berghahn, Gabriele Henkel and Kurt GP Schuster (eds.): August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the context of the 19th century and the modern age. International Symposium Fallersleben 2017 (= Braunschweig Contributions to German Language and Literature , Vol. 18). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2019, ISBN 978-3-7395-1098-9 .
- Adalbert Elschenbroich: Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Heinrich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-428-00190-7 , pp. 421-423 ( digitized version ).
- Franz Josef Degenhardt : August Heinrich Hoffmann, called von Fallersleben. C. Bertelsmann, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-570-02530-6 . Newly published under the title: The man from Fallersleben. The loves of August Heinrich Hoffmann (= work edition , volume 7). Verlag Kulturmaschinen, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-940274-49-6 .
- Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 2: F-H. Winter, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-8253-0809-X , pp. 370-372.
- Mariusz Dziewecyński: In exile in Mecklenburg. Edition of the correspondence between Hoffmann von Fallersleben and his friend Rudolf Müller (= Braunschweiger Contributions to the German Language and Literature , Vol. 17). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2015, ISBN 978-3-89534-977-5 .
- Marek Halub: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. In the Silesian microcosm - a cultural-historical study. Wydan. Uniw., Breslau 2005, ISBN 83-229-2576-X .
- Marek Halub, Kurt GP Schuster (ed.): Hoffmann von Fallersleben. International Symposium. Wroclaw / Breslau 2003 (= Braunschweig Contributions to German Language and Literature , Vol. 8). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89534-538-5 .
- Irina Kaminiarz, Hans Lucke : Hoffmann von Fallersleben - Everything beautiful lives in tones. Weimarer Taschenbuch Verlag, Weimar 2006, ISBN 978-3-937939-68-1 .
- Philip Kraut, Jürgen Jaehrling, Uwe Meves, Else Hünert-Hofmann (eds.): Correspondence between the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Gustav Freytag, Moriz Haupt, Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben and Franz Joseph Mone (= correspondence between the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Critical edition in individual volumes , Vol. 7). Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3-7776-2487-7 .
- Walter Methler, Martin Frost: Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Children's songs - friendships. Evangel. Parish of Volmarstein, Wetter / Ruhr 1990.
- Bernt Ture von zur Mühlen : Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Biography. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8353-0790-2 .
- Richard Müller: The ancestors of the poet Hoffmann von Fallersleben and their families. Hoffmann von Fallersleben Society, Fallersleben 1957.
- Franz Muncker : Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Heinrich . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1880, pp. 608-616.
- Hans Peter Neureuter: Hoffmann's "German Sang". Attempt at a historical interpretation. In: Günter Häntzschel (Ed.): Poems and interpretations. Vol. 4: From Biedermeier to Bourgeois Realism (= RUB , No. 7893). Reclam, Stuttgart 2000 [first 1983], ISBN 978-3-15-007893-8 , pp. 222-234.
- Heiko Postma: “I sing - and the world is mine.” About the scholar, freedom man and song writer Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798–1874). jmb, Hannover 2010, ISBN 978-3-940970-15-2 .
- Eberhard Rohse : "The German song" in its political, literary and literary studies reception. In: Hans-Joachim Behr, Herbert Blume, Eberhard Rohse (eds.): August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. 1798-1998. Festschrift for the 200th birthday (= Braunschweig Contributions to the German Language and Literature , Volume 1). Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld 1999, ISBN 3-89534-281-5 , pp. 51-100.
- Eberhard Rohse: In the run-up to the messenger research: 'Van veleme rade' as a “boulder” by the Germanist Hoffmann von Fallersleben. In: Robert Peters, Horst P. Pütz, Ulrich Weber (eds.): Vulpis Adolatio. Festschrift for Hubertus Menke on his 60th birthday. Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3-8253-1237-2 , pp. 603-623.
- Eberhard Rohse: erudition, Germany pathos , poetry of grim. Hoffmann von Fallersleben and Göttingen. In: Norbert Otto Eke , Kurt GP Schuster, Günter Tiggesbäumker (ed.): Hoffmann von Fallersleben. International Symposium Corvey / Höxter 2008 (= Braunschweig Contributions to German Language and Literature, Vol. 11). Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-89534-851-8 , pp. 125–178.
- Eberhard Rohse: “Stick out of the sack!” - fairy tale satire by the Vormärz poet Hoffmann von Fallersleben as a literary-language-political scandal. In: Martin Neef, Imke Lang-Groth, Susanne R. Borgwaldt, Iris Forster (eds.): Scandal in the language area. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2014, ISBN 978-3-631-65305-0 , pp. 73-106.
- Wilhelm Rothert : General Hanoverian biography. Volume 2: In the Old Kingdom of Hanover 1814–1866. Sponholtz, Hannover 1914, pp. 245-258.
- Peter Rühmkorf : A lot of contradictions fit into my head - about colleagues. Edited by Susanne Fischer and Stephan Opitz. Wallstein, Göttingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8353-1171-8 , pp. 168-184.
- Walter Schmitz, Eberhard Rohse: Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich. In: Wilhelm Kühlmann, Achim Aurnhammer [u. a.] (Ed.): Killy Literaturlexikon. Authors and works from the German-speaking cultural area. 2., completely revised Ed. Vol. 5. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2010, pp. 529-531.
- Günter Tiggesbäumker: The Princely Library in Corvey. The life's work of August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (= culture in the Höxter district. Volume 4). Sparkasse, Höxter 2002.
Web links
- Literature by and about August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the German Digital Library
- Literature about August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the state bibliography MV
- Works by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben at .
- Works by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the Gutenberg-DE project
- August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the Lexicon of Westphalian Authors
- Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben-Gesellschaft e. V.
- Fallersleben Archive
- Faller's life manuscripts in libraries and archives
- Collection August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in the University and State Library of Münster
supporting documents
- ^ Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume II: Artists. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 341–343.
- ↑ Meeting of the State Ministry on March 8, 1842 (PDF; 3.1 MB) In: acta borussica , vol. 3, p. 103.
- ^ A b Dorlis Blume: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Tabular curriculum vitae in the LeMO ( DHM and HdG ).
- ↑ Dieter Lent: Finding aid for the inventory of the estate of the democrat Georg Fein (1803–1869) and the Fein family (1737–) approx. 1772–1924 . Lower Saxony archive administration, Wolfenbüttel 1991, ISBN 3-927495-02-6 , pp. 88, 99, 323 f.
- ^ Franz Friedrich Hoffmann-Fallersleben studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy and the Grand Ducal Art School in Weimar, where he was a student of Theodor Hagen . He lived in Weimar until 1888, then as a professor in Berlin, where he died in 1927. He is buried in Weimar.
- ↑ Ida to the mountains | Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Retrieved December 22, 2019 .
- ↑ Slesvigland , 1980, No. 4.
- ^ Heinrich Heine: Letter of June 5, 1844 to Campe, quoted from Heinrich Heine: Gedichte 1827-1844 and Versepen. Volume III, Germany. A winter fairy tale, Collected Works Volume 2, ed. by Hans Böhm, Berlin 1998, p. 37.
- ↑ Irina Lucke-Kaminiarz and Hans Lucke: August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Everything beautiful lives in tones . Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft, Weimar 2006, ISBN 978-3-937939-68-1 , p. 29.
- ↑ Christoph Herin: Biedermeier . In: Walter Hinderer (Hrsg.): History of German poetry from the Middle Ages to the present . 2nd edition Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2001, p. 296.
- ^ Günter Lange (Ed.): Paperback of children's and youth literature. Basics - genres, volume 1. Baltmannsweiler 2000, p. 207, ISBN 978-3-89676-345-7 .
personal data | |
SURNAME | Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Hoffmann, August Heinrich |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German poet and Germanist, author of the "Song of the Germans" |
DATE OF BIRTH | April 2, 1798 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Fallersleben |
DATE OF DEATH | January 19, 1874 |
Place of death | Corvey |