Franz Muncker

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Franz Muncker drawn by Paul Heyse

Franz Muncker (born December 4, 1855 in Bayreuth , † September 7, 1926 in Munich ) was a German literary historian.


After attending grammar school, the son of the Mayor of Bayreuth Theodor von Muncker studied Old German and Old Romanic languages ​​with Konrad Hofmann and newer languages ​​and literature with Michael Bernays at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 1873 . In 1876 he won a prize advertised by the Philosophical Faculty with a paper on Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's relationship with Klopstock . He received his doctorate in 1878 with a characteristic of Klopstock, and the habilitation followed the next year with a study on two smaller German writings by Aventine . From 1879 he taught as a private lecturer, from 1890 as the successor of Bernays, initially as an associate professor, from 1896 until his retirement in 1926 as a full professor at the University of Munich.

In 1883 Muncker presented a reprint of the first three chants of Klopstock's Messiah , and in 1889 a two-volume critical edition of the poet's odes with Jaro Pawel . He wrote several articles for the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie and some smaller writings on Johann Kaspar Lavater (1883), Friedrich Rückert (1890) and Richard Wagner (1891), oversaw reading editions of works by Heinrich von Kleist , Wieland and Karl Leberecht Immermann and obtained several volumes from Joseph Kürschner's German Literature Calendar . For almost forty years (from 1886 to 1924) he worked on the twenty-three -volume historical-critical edition of Lessing's writings and letters, the third, reviewed and expanded edition of the edition first edited by Karl Lachmann between 1838 and 1840. Vol. 22.2 of this edition contains a thorough Lessing bibliography written by Muncker ( index of the prints from Lessing's writings. 1747-1919 ).


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Wikisource: Franz Muncker  - Sources and full texts