The fairy tale of the land of milk and honey (2016)

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Original title The fairy tale of the land of milk and honey
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2016
length 60 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Carsten Fiebeler
script Brinx / Kömmerling
production Carsten Staudt
music Thomas Klemm
camera Dominik Schunk
cut Carmen Vieten

Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland is a German fairy tale film from 2016 that was created for the ARD series Six in one fell swoop . The film is based on the poem "Vom Schlaraffenlande" by Hoffmann von Fallersleben and on motifs from the " Fairytale of the Schlaraffenland " by Ludwig Bechstein .


Paul lives with his parents and his sister in extreme poverty and need. He is said to be selling brushwood in town so that he can use the money to buy medicine for his sick sister. In town he meets the traveling juggler “Meister Feuerstein”, who wants to show him the way to the land of milk and honey for a few thalers, where there are no worries. Since Paul has no money, he gives Berta the goat to the juggler and then realizes that he must have been betrayed when he arrives at a rock face on the way to the land of milk and honey, where there is no further.

A woodcutter finally tells him that only a "sighted blind man" can show him the way to the land of milk and honey. Paul wanders through the forest for days until he meets a blind old man who wants to show him the way after an exam. Paul agrees and has to answer three riddles, which he quickly succeeds. The old man suddenly disappears and in front of Paul there is a wall made of semolina, through which he eats his way without further ado and ends up in the land of milk and honey. To his amazement, he not only finds sausages hanging on the trees, but also a floating man who introduces himself as a “Debreziner” and reminds him of a character. Paul crosses a stream in which milk instead of water flows and he meets “Pralina”. She falls in love with him and would like to go “over there” with him because it is too boring for her in the carefree world of the land of milk and honey, where you don't have to make an effort and simply step into the fountain of youth when you feel too old .

From the “Debreziner” the two learn that there is no going back after leaving the land of milk and honey. Nevertheless, “Pralina” asks her father for the way “outside”, but he doesn't understand what she wants there. In the meantime, Paul is initiated into other amenities of the country by "Camembert", but he only wants to seduce him to give up his plan to return to his world. Ultimately, it is to be feared that more "overworlders" might find their way to them. "Camembert" almost succeeds in beguiling Paul so that he doesn't want to go back, but "Pralina" can free him from his lethargy . She has just asked the all-knowing “Debreziner” and found out that she can leave the land of milk and honey through the hole through which Paul came. But this would close soon and so you have to hurry. "Camembert" wants to prevent their escape, but he does not succeed.

Paul and “Pralina” fly through the opening on the horizon and enter the human world. "Master Feuerstein" can't believe his eyes when he sees the two of them standing in front of him. So that Paul tells him how to get to the land of milk and honey, he gives him his money as well as the goat and the juggler wagon including horse. Since they weren't allowed to bring anything from “Pralina's” world, they still have enough to buy the healing medicine for Paul's sister.


Schlitz Auerhahn Brewery, filming location for Paul's dark place of residence
Schlitz, the town hall and the half-timbered house at the church, filming location for the location of the juggler car

The shooting took place from July 20 to August 24, 2015 in Frankfurt , Schlitz and in the Taunus . The film was produced by the Hessischer Rundfunk. The first broadcast took place on December 26, 2016. The elaborate studio work for the virtual world of the fairy tale took place in a bluebox in the HR studio in Frankfurt for ten days.

The fairy tale of the land of milk and honey and Hans im Glück are, besides Frau Holle, the only films in the series that were produced for the annual season last year.


Rainer Tittelbach from said appreciatively: “The plot is extremely rich in social readings and is also full of connotations in the details . The presentation of this story of a playful initiation of love as a brightly colored, child-friendly wonderland fable makes this film a real family program. "The viewer learns in colorful pictures that a land of milk and honey should never be a reality, because:" The place of carefree bliss proves [... ] as a superficial realm of uniformity and indifference, laziness and excessive consumption. "

The TV Spielfilm editorial team gave the fairy tale a "thumbs up" rating without comment.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF; test number: 163280 / V). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. The HR filmed “The fairy tale of the land of milk and honey”  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , rbb, accessed June 21, 2016@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  3. The fairy tale of the land of plenty at Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  4. Behind the scenes for the fairy tale shoot in the old Auerhahn brewery at, accessed on February 16, 2017.
  5. ^ Rainer Tittelbach : Björn Ingmar Böske, Klara Deutschmann, Fiebeler. Naturalism meets Disneyland film review at, accessed on February 16, 2017.
  6. TV feature film : Film review  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at, accessed on February 16, 2017.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /