B. Baruch and Sons

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B. Baruch and Sons was a cotton weaving mill in Hechingen , a district town at the time on the western edge of the Swabian Alb in what is now Baden-Württemberg .

Bill dated November 16, 1895
Article in the journal Der Israelit on February 7, 1901

Benedikt Baruch, who initially worked as a textile publisher in Sielmingen , founded the B. Baruch & Sons weaving mill with his sons Leopold and Salomon in 1825. The company produced cotton and semi-woolen goods in Plieningen . Around 1846 production was relocated to Hechingen; thus the first industrial company was created in the city. In 1847 a new factory building was built in Friedrichstrasse and the Plieningen plant was shut down.

In the 1850s, Abraham Löwengard and members of the Einstein family from Buchau (for the Einstein family, see also: Buchau Jewish Community ) and Ulm joined the company.

Between 1904 and 1909 the Baruch and Einstein families left. The company was sold to A. Gutmann & Co. in Göppingen and incorporated into Kuchen during the National Socialist era through aryanization of the Süddeutscheotton Industrie AG .


Article in the magazine Der Israelit of February 7, 1901: “The 'Koblenzer Volkszeitung' reports: 'The Jewish company Baruch and Sons in Hechingen ( Hohenzollern ) has built a dining establishment for its workers, some of whom live far away from the factory two sisters from the monastery of Hegne near Constance should be headed. One would think that this beautiful act of social welfare would be greeted with joy everywhere. In the Prussian Ministry of Culture, however, they seem to have a different opinion. From there the notification was issued that the approval for the opening of the institution under the direction of sisters had to be refused because food was to be served in the proposed institution in addition to Protestant and Catholic workers! Isn't that a downright touching concern for the spiritual well-being of those concerned? Just think how seriously the religious consciousness of the Protestant soup workers prepared by Catholic sisters would be if they were given one with Jewish money! '"


  • Jews in the textile industry: Documentation of the conference of the Gäu-Neckar-Alb Memorial Association on October 10, 2010 in Hechingen . Edited by Karl-Hermann Blickle and Heinz Högerle, Barbara Staudacher Verlag, Horb-Rexingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-928213-19-6 . (not evaluated)

Web links

Commons : B. Baruch and Sons  - Collection of images, videos and audio files