BSV Leeden-Ledde

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The ball sports club Leeden-Ledde (full name: Ballsportverein Westfalia from 1947 in Leeden und Ledde eV , short form: BSV Leeden-Ledde ) is a multi-discipline sports club in the Tecklenburger Land region ( Steinfurt district ) in North Rhine-Westphalia . With around 2,800 members, it is the second largest sports club in the district.

The club was founded in 1947 as a football club , but today offers a wide range of ten different sports in Leeden , Ledde , Tecklenburg and the surrounding area. Therefore, the association is not limited to sporting activities, but offers a variety of cultural, social and sporting events.


At the founding meeting on July 7, 1947 with around 40 participants, the statutes and the financing plan including membership fees were decided and the board was elected. The new members chose "Ballsportverein Westfalia Leeden" as the club name.

At the first general assembly in January 1948, the association had 106 members, including 28 women, 48 men and 30 young people. With the help of an English pioneer unit, a new sports facility was created in 1965 and the Habichtswald Stadium was handed over to the club on July 24, 1965.

On January 17, 1972, a newly built gymnasium was handed over to its destination during a ceremony. With the use of this sports facility, the area of ​​action of the association - with 400 members now - grew into new dimensions. The BSV was divided into independent sports departments. With the extensive range of sports on offer, it had become a popular sports club. In addition to children's gymnastics , basketball , gymnastics and exercise , table tennis (from 1978), as well as tennis and volleyball (from 1979) were soon offered.

The entry of Ledder Werkstätten on October 1, 1988 as an independent sports department for the disabled was another milestone in the club's history. With the recognition as a disabled sports community by the Landesversorgungsamt NW on August 1, 1990, the Ledder workshops received the authorization to carry out rehabilitation sports within the meaning of the Federal Supply Act. In 1997, 250 members practiced active sport, including over 160 rehabilitation sport based on medical prescription. This branch of work is regarded as a model case and was at the time trend-setting nationwide.


The BSV Leeden-Ledde currently has ten departments:

Basketball, disabled sports, football, health sports, indoor sports, Nordic walking , taekwondo , tennis, table tennis and volleyball.

Sporting successes

Table tennis

In the 1985/86 season the first youth team won the runner-up in the youth association league, which was the highest youth class at the time. 1996/97 played the 1st men's team in the district class and the 2nd men's team in the l. District League.


After variable successes from 1980 to 1987 in the district or district classes, the 1st women's team made it to the state league in 1990. After a fundamental team change in 1991 and a fresh start in the district league, a second promotion to the state league succeeded in 1996. In 1990 the first men's team made it into the Lower Saxony league. After changes in the team and increased training, the path led to the Lower Saxony Regional League, the third highest German performance class.

BSV Leeden-Ledde is the sponsor of the VCB Tecklenburger Land syndicate with the 1st men's team ( Tebu Volleys ) in the 2nd North Volleyball Bundesliga .

Disabled sports

The BSV is currently the only sports club in Germany whose disabled sports department consists entirely of a recognized disabled workshop - the Ledder Werkstätten - with more than 1,000 employees.

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