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Ninawa Dahuk (Gouvernement) Erbil (Gouvernement) As-Sulaimaniyya (Gouvernement) Kirkuk (Gouvernement) Diyala Salah ad-Din (Gouvernement) Al-Anbar Bagdad (Gouvernement) Babil Kerbela (Gouvernement) Al-Wasit (Gouvernement) Nadschaf (Gouvernement) Al-Qadisiyya (Gouvernement) Maisan (Gouvernement) Dhi Qar Al-Muthanna (Gouvernement) Basra (Gouvernement) Kuwait Jordanien Türkei Syrien Saudi-Arabien IranBabil in Iraq.svg
About this picture
Basic data
Country Iraq
Capital Hilla
surface 6468 km²
Residents 1,856,064 (calculation 2010)
density 287 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 IQ-BB

Coordinates: 32 ° 30 '  N , 44 ° 24'  E

Babil ( Arabic بابل, DMG Bābil ) is a governorate in Iraq , which was called Hilla until 1971. It has an area of ​​6468 km²; the size of the area has changed several times. The population is 1,856,064 (2010 calculation). The capital of the governorate is Hilla . The ruins of Babylon can be found in Babil .

The governorate consists of the districts:

On October 15, 2005, 94.56% of 543,779 voters voted yes for the new constitution .

Web links

Commons : Babil  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ World Gazetteer: Iraq - Administrative Division . Retrieved May 11, 2011.