Baccio Pontelli

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Baccio Pontelli (* around 1450 in Florence , † 1492 in Urbino ) was an Italian architect of the Renaissance . He specialized in fortifications, but also worked on numerous churches. Giorgio Vasari called him the court architect of Pope Sixtus IV.

After Sixtus' death, Pontelli went to the court of the Duke of Urbino, where, among other things, he worked on the completion of the Ducal Palace.


Web links

Commons : Baccio Pontelli  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. … fu appresso di papa Sisto IIII Baccio Pintelli fiorentino, il quale per lo ingegno suo nella architettura meritò che il predetto papa in ogni sua impresa se ne servisse .
  2. ^ Johann David Passavant, Rafael von Urbino and his father Giovanni Santi