Casarsa – Portogruaro railway line

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Casarsa – Portogruaro
Cordovado-Sesto train station
Cordovado-Sesto train station
Route number (RFI) : 66
Course book series (IT) : 236
Route length: 21 km
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
from Gemona
from Udine
Station, station
21,116 Casarsa 42 m
to Venice
Stop, stop
19,450 San Giovanni di Casarsa since 2005
Station, station
15.991 San Vito al Tagliamento 30 m
to Motta di Livenza
Station, station
8,672 Cordovado - Sesto 16 m
by Bertiolo (unfinished)
Stop, stop
3.901 Teglio Veneto 9 m
Road bridge
A 4 - E 55 - E 70
from Trieste
Station, station
0.000 Portogruaro - Caorle 5 m
to Treviso / to Venice

The Casarsa – Portogruaro railway is an Italian branch line in the Friuli region .

The line is operated by RFI , is single-track and not electrified.


The route was approved by Law No. 5002 ( Legge Baccarini ) in 1879 and opened on August 19, 1888.


  • Rete Ferroviaria Italiana: Fascicolo Linea 66.

Web links

Commons : Casarsa – Portogruaro railway line  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Impianti FS. In: I Treni No. 274 (October 2005), p. 7.
  2. Rete RFI in esercizio ( Memento of the original from May 1, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (pdf; 6.1 MB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Table C, Punto 36
  4. Prospetto cronologico dei tratti di ferrovia aperti all'esercizio dal 1839 al 31 dicembre 1926