Railway line Szeged – Röszke – Subotica

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Section of the Szeged – Röszke – Subotica railway line
The route on the Hungarian side (red).
Route number : MÁV 136
Course book range : MÁV 136
ŽS 34
Route length: 42 km
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Route class : C3
Top speed: 80 km / h
Röszke – Horgoš: 20  km / h
Route - straight ahead
from Szeged
from Szeged-Tisza
Station without passenger traffic
0 Szeged - Rendező
to Szajol
to Cegléd
from Szeged-Rókus
5 Szentmihálytelek
Szeged local railway
Station without passenger traffic
10 Röszke (tourist traffic stopped)
14th Nagyszéksós
State border between Hungary and Serbia
16 Kamaráserdő
Station, station
18th Horgoš
to Senta
Stop, stop
26th Bački Vinogradi
Stop, stop
30th Hajdukovo
Station, station
34 Palic
Stop, stop
39 Subotica Javno slave list
from Novi Sad
from Beograd-Glavna
from Bogojevo
Station, station
41 Subotica
to Ferencváros
to Vinkovci
to Bácsalmás


The Szeged – Röszke – Subotica line (line 136 of the Hungarian State Railways ) connects the Hungarian city ​​of Szeged with the town of Röszke on the Hungarian-Serbian border and the Serbian city ​​of Subotica . It is single-track, not electrified and connects the three places almost by the shortest route.


The Szeged – Subotica line is around 42  kilometers long, the Hungarian Szeged – Röszke line around 13 km. Other train stations or stops are Szentmihálytelek  (km 5), Nagyszéksós  (km 14), Kamaráserdő  (km 16), Horgoš  (km 18), Bački Vinogradi  (km 26, Horgosi ​​Királyhalom ), Hajdukovo  (km 30, Hajdújárás ), Palić  (km 34, Palicsfürdő ) and Subotica Jav. Skladitša  (km 39, Hartmann kitérő ).

History and traffic planning

Hungarian railways map

The government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Secretariat of the Province of Economy) plans (as of 2011) in cooperation with the European Development Agency, the Danube-Kreisch-Marosch-Tisza Euroregion (DKMT), the Hungarian and Serbian railway administrations to expand and modernize the Railway line Szeged – Röszke – Horgoš – Subotica – Csikéria – Bácsalmás – Baja; this is part of the railway corridor 10 (node ​​B). In addition, a railway connection is to be established between the pan-European corridors IV, V, VII and the UIC-C profile is to be introduced on the entire railway line. As part of the reactivation of the Szeged-Röszke-Subotica railway line, the Csikéria-Bácsalmás-Baja line, which is currently closed and dismantled on Hungarian territory, is to be rebuilt and reactivated.

Knowledge and Expertise in European Programs  (Keep) wrote:

" TEN-T corridors touch both Hungary and Serbia, but there is a zone of approximately 400km between Budapest and Belgrade, where the west-east direction railway transit traffic cannot advance without touching one of the two capitals. In the middle of this zone - meaning the shortest route - railway transport is not possible at the moment. Reaching towns connected by railway transport is only possible with a significant loss of time. The lack of the railway line intersecting the DKMT Euro region is a significant problem not only from the point of view of passenger transport but also from the point of view of goods transport, its social and economic impact is also negative. The Szeged-Röszke-Horgoš-Subotica-Csikéria-Bácsalmás-Baja transversal line ensures an overland connection between the two largest ports of the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea , as part of the trunk line between Fiume ( Rijeka ) and Constanta , so it creates a possibility for freight transport between the ports not to be realized on overloaded public roads but on railway. "

Migrants on the Röszke – Horgoš section

In the late summer and autumn of 2015, the railway was the subject of public attention because in the course of the refugee crisis in Europe tens of thousands of refugees on the Balkan route from Subotica walked along the railway line from Horgoš to the Serbian-Hungarian border near Röszke and there the EU external border exceeded. During the construction of the border fence in Hungary , this railway line was left open until the end and closed with an iron gate on 14 September. This means that the long-distance connection character of the route is currently inoperative.

In 2019 the Serbian section between Subotica and Horgos is to be reactivated. It is planned that the Hungarian section between Szeged and Horgos will be reactivated in 2020/21. The route is to be reactivated and modernized by 2022 so that it is also suitable for the extension of the Szeged-Hódmezövásárhely tram-train connection.

Web links

Commons : Szeged – Röszke – Subotica railway line  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d 136 Szeged-Röszke-Szabadka. Retrieved June 23, 2020 (Hungarian).
  2. VPE Kft .: 136 vonalhoz tartozó pontok. Retrieved June 23, 2020 (Hungarian).
  3. card Subotica , luftlinie.org
  4. Röszke map , luftlinie.org
  5. A worn-out residence, see Nagygyörgy Zoltán: Az eltűnt kamaráserdő nyomában (Kamarás-puszta, Kamarás-erdő, Kamarás-fürdő, Kamarás-telep). horgos.rs> Címlap > Tanulmányok .
  6. Compare Horgosi ​​Királyhalom (Bački Vinogradi, Бачки Виногради). vasutallomasok.hu
  7. ↑ Call for tenders for a feasibility study (2011)
  8. ^ Hungary / Serbia: New rails for the northern Batschka EU. lok-report.de, August 26, 2019, accessed on August 26, 2019 .
  9. www.keep.eu
  10. Hungary: Orbán slams the border gate. Jürgen Streihammer in: Die Presse online, September 15, 2015.
  11. ^ Hungary / Serbia: New rails for the northern Batschka EU. lok-report.de, August 26, 2019, accessed on August 26, 2019 .