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The Bacchius or Bakcheus ( Greek  βακχεῖος bakcheios or βακχειακός πούς bakcheiakos πούς "bakchischer foot"; plural Bacchien or Bakcheen ) is in the ancient Verslehre a tripartite, simple metrical foot consisting of a short and two long Verselementen is, the scheme is therefore


In metric formula notation , it becomes withbaabbreviated. The reverse form is called Antibacchius . Since the Bacchius appears more frequently in connection with iambic forms, it is regarded, like the Creticus, as a syncopated form of the iambic metron (◡— (◡) -).

Bacchius is closely related to the oriental verse foot , in which, for example, Firdausī's great heroic poem is written.

Bacchic meter

The Bacchic verse, which was used especially in the hymns to Bacchus and therefore has its name, occurs mostly in akatalectic tetrameters that are mixed in with dimeters and other shorter verses and then have an iambic or anapaestic closing verse. Bacchius was rarely used by the Greeks, but more often by the Roman comedians, especially Plautus , where it appears several times in the cantica .

Bacchic meters are in ancient metrics:

× ——ˌ × -

× ——ˌ × ——ˌ ×
× ——ˌ × ——ˌ × -

× ——ˌ × ——ˌ × ——ˌ × -

  • Bacchic Senar (ba 6) very rarely at Plautus
× ——ˌ × ——ˌ × ——ˌ × ——ˌ × ——ˌ × -

  • Bakcheisches colon (ba c)
× - × - or × —— ×
The colon appears to be interspersed between other bacchia, often according to Bacchian dipody or together with irritian colon .
