Balthasar Konrad from and to Broich

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Balthasar Konrad von und zum Broich (* around 1675 in Unna , † December 22, 1745 in Berlin ) was a Prussian minister.


Broich held a number of offices at the court in Berlin when he was established in 1709 as part of the first senate of the chamber court, the criminal college, of which he was one of the first members. At that time he was a secret judiciary, court of justice, court of appeal, hunting, border and criminal councilor. He was the Kurbrandenburg ambassador to the Reichstag in Regensburg . In 1731 he was promoted to budget and justice minister as well as president of the higher appeal and chamber courts. Together with Friedrich Bogislav von Schwerin , he was electoral ambassador for the emperor election of Charles VII in Frankfurt / Main in 1741 .

Broich was married to Charlotte Louise Mieg in his first marriage in 1707 and Maria Eleonora Mieg in his second marriage.



  • Christian August Ludwig Klaproth, Immanuel Karl Wilhelm Cosmar: The royal. Prussian and Churfürstl. Brandenburg Really Secret State Council on its bicentenary foundation day on January 5th, 1805. Berlin 1805, p. 416, no. 178.
  • Genealogical-historical news of the very latest events, which happen at the European Hoefen, in which at the same time many people of class and other famous people life descriptions appear, as a continuation of the genealogy. Historical Archivarii. The 95 part, Leipzig 1746, p. 507.

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Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Christoph Jonathan Fischer : History of Friedrich's des Zweyten, King v. Prussia. Hall 1787, p. 63.