Barbarian Queen

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German title Barbarian Queen
Original title Barbarian Queen
Country of production USA , Argentina
original language English
Publishing year 1985
length 72 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Hector Olivera
script Howard R. Cohen
production Alex Sessa
Frank Isaac
music Christopher Young
camera Rudy Donovan
cut Silvia Roberts
Leslie Rosenthal

Barbarian Queen is an American - Argentine fantasy film released in 1985 . The barbarian film had a sequel with Barbarian Queen II in 1989. The film did not come into German cinemas and was released on VHS in March 1986 .


Sometime during the early Iron Age , the inhabitants of a simple village were preparing to marry their Prince Argon with the beautiful Amathea when suddenly they were attacked and pillaged by royal troops. Only Amathea can escape with two of the strongest female warriors. They now do everything possible to free the sister of Amathea, who is held as a slave to the king, and Argon, who was kidnapped into the arena of the gladiators . After her fellow campaigners have been killed and Amathea herself has been brutally tortured, she is freed by an underground resistance movement, which she joins in order to revenge her village and to rescue the slaves.


The shooting took place in Argentina.


"Brutal and trivial fantasy adventure about proud, battle-hardened women and muscular men, produced by Roger Corman's newest production company in the oldest tradition of relevant 'Amazons' films", was the lexicon of international films .


The Federal Testing Agency for Media Harmful to Young People indexed the film on December 4, 1986 (No. 2737). After a decision of November 21, 2011 (Pr. 1198/11) and publication in the Federal Gazette, it was removed from the list on November 30, 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Filming locations on
  2. Barbarian Queen. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. ^ Federal testing agency for media harmful to minors: Indexing proceedings against Barbarian Queen