Bartlett Inlet

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Bartlett Inlet
Waters Southern ocean
Land mass Marie Byrd Land
Geographical location 77 ° 13 ′  S , 156 ° 40 ′  W Coordinates: 77 ° 13 ′  S , 156 ° 40 ′  W
Bartlett Inlet (Antarctica)
Bartlett Inlet
width 26 km
Tributaries Withrow glacier

The Bartlett Inlet is a 26 km wide and icy bay on the Saunders coast of the west Antarctic Marie-Byrd-Land . It is located on the north side of the Edward VII Peninsula east of Cape Colbeck .

The United States Geological Survey mapped the bay from its own surveys and aerial photographs by the United States Navy from 1959 to 1965. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it after Lieutenant Eugene F. Bartlett, senior officer at Byrd Station in 1960 .

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