Bashir Ahmad (politician)

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Bashir Ahmad (born February 12, 1940 in Amritsar , Punjab , India , † February 6, 2009 in Glasgow , Scotland ) was a Scottish politician and member of the Scottish National Party (SNP).


In 1961 Ahmad immigrated to Scotland. He initially worked as a bus driver and then successfully established himself as a businessman. Ahmad owned various shops, restaurants and a hotel. After meeting Alex Salmond in 1995, Ahmad founded the group Scots Asians for Independence , which made the SNP attractive to Scots of Asian descent and dispelled claims that the SNP was pursuing long-term goals similar to those of the right-wing British National Party .

In the Scottish parliamentary elections in 1999 , Ahmad was placed ninth on the SNP's regional electoral list for the Glasgow electoral region . In 2003 he was elected to the Glasgow city council as the first Asian SNP politician. In the parliamentary elections in 2007 Ahmad was again on the regional electoral list of Glasgow and won a seat in parliament as one of four list candidates for the SNP in the electoral region. He was both the first member of the Scottish Parliament of Asian descent and the first Muslim MP. Bashir Ahmad died on February 6, 2009 as a result of a heart attack. Anne McLaughlin moved up next on the regional electoral list without a by-election in the Scottish Parliament.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Obituary for Bashir Ahmad
  2. Results of the 2007 general election on the Scottish Parliament website.
  3. BBC News: Scotland's first Muslim MSP dies