Basil Chalkocheir

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Basileios , nickname Chalkocheir ("copper hand"; Middle Greek Βασίλειος ὁ Χαλκόχειρ , † around 932 in Constantinople ), was a Byzantine usurper against Emperor Romanos I.


Basil came from Macedonia and pretended to be Constantine Dukas , who was actually killed in an usurpation attempt in July 913 . 930 he gathered in the area of the theme Opsikion a larger number of followers around him, until he was captured and brought to Constantinople Opel where you struck off a hand. However, Basil was able to flee back to the Opsikion, where he had a copper hand made. With his followers he occupied the Thracese fortress of Plateia Petra (near Thyatira ) and undertook raids from there, but finally had to surrender to an army sent by Romanos I. In Constantinople, the emperor had the usurper burned on the Amastrianon .

