Battery storage power plant

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Battery storage power plant Schwerin (interior view 2014, modularly designed accumulator rows)

A battery storage power plant is a type of storage power plant that uses accumulators for energy storage , i.e. H. rechargeable electrochemical cells. The installed capacities of battery storage power plants range from a few kilowatts (kW) for house systems to the three-digit megawatt range ( MW ): The strongest (as of January 2018 in Australia) is up to 100 MW with a capacity of 129 MWh . In comparison, the largest pumped storage power plants are significantly more powerful, as over 90 pumped storage power plants have outputs of 1000 MW and more, with capacities in the GWh range.

As of 2016, battery storage systems with a capacity of 1.5 GW were installed worldwide, and the trend is rising.

Important key figures for storage power plants are performance and storage capacity. The latter indicates the amount of energy the storage unit can hold . The world's largest system, as of May 2017, has a storage capacity of around 300  MWh . As of May 2017, around 700 battery storage power plants were in operation worldwide. Of these, 461, i.e. around two thirds of the plants, use lithium-ion batteries , 85 lead-acid batteries , 70 sodium-sulfur batteries or sodium-nickel chloride , 69 redox flow cells and six nickel-cadmium batteries .

Examples of implemented systems can be found in the list of battery storage power plants .


Battery storage power plants were already in use around 1900 to cover load peaks in many of the decentralized direct current networks of that time . During periods of low load, they stored electrical energy, which they later released when there was high demand. Around 1905 such battery stations with around 100 MW made up around 15% of the total installed electrical power in Germany. Their degree of utilization was approx. 70 to 80%.


Accumulators for storing electrical energy

Battery storage power plants are primarily used to provide system services . One application on a smaller scale is grid stabilization in power grids with insufficient control power . Another essential area of ​​application is the balancing of generation and consumption, in particular the balancing of output from non-demand-oriented renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power plants. In this area of ​​application, storage power plants allow the use of higher proportions of renewable energy sources. In addition to control power, battery storage systems can also be used for voltage regulation in AC voltage networks due to the practically inertia-free control and quick responsiveness. They are used to control reactive power and can supplement static reactive power compensators in their function. In addition, battery storage power plants are basically black-start capable .

The transition from battery storage power plants to smaller battery storage systems with a similar area of ​​application is fluid. So-called solar batteries with a storage capacity of a few kWh are mostly operated in the private sector in conjunction with smaller photovoltaic systems in order to take excess yields with you during the day to low-yield or unprofitable times in the evening or at night, to increase self-consumption , to increase self-sufficiency or to increase security of supply . As of March 2018, the costs of a stored kWh of electrical energy for larger lithium-ion battery storage power plants are around 10 ct / kWh, and the trend is falling.


Accumulators for the emergency power supply of a data center

In terms of structure, battery storage power plants with uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are comparable, although the versions are larger. For safety reasons, the batteries are housed in our own halls or, in the case of temporary systems, in containers. As with a UPS, there is the problem that electrochemical energy stores can basically only store or release energy in the form of DC voltage , while electrical energy networks are usually operated with AC voltage . For this reason, additional inverters are necessary, which in battery storage power plants work with high voltage due to the higher output and connection . It is this power electronics with GTO thyristors for use as well as in the direct current transmissions High-voltage direct current (HVDC) are common.

Different systems are used as accumulators depending on the system. Since the first battery storage power plants in the 1980s, lead-acid batteries were predominantly used , but nickel-cadmium batteries and battery types such as the sodium-sulfur battery were increasingly used in the following decades . By falling prices in the 2010s are lithium-ion batteries , the batteries now used most frequently, such as when the battery Park Schwerin , battery mass storage Dresden or the memory of BYD in Hong Kong the case. However, other technologies such as redox flow batteries are also used.

Operating behavior

The advantage of battery storage power plants are the extremely short control times and start times in the range of 20 ms at full load for energy systems, as there are no mechanically moving masses. This means that these power plants can serve not only to cover peak power in the minute range, but also to dampen short-term oscillations in the seconds range in electrical energy networks operated at the capacity limits. These instabilities manifest themselves in voltage fluctuations with periods of up to a few tens of seconds and, in unfavorable cases, can swing up to high amplitudes, which can lead to supra-regional power failures . Sufficiently dimensioned battery storage power plants can counteract this. Therefore, applications are primarily found in those regions where electrical energy networks are operated at their capacity limits and the network stability is at risk. Further applications are island networks , which cannot exchange electrical energy with neighboring networks for a short period of time for stabilization.

A disadvantage, especially when using lead-acid batteries, is the limited service life of the batteries designed as wear parts and the associated costs, which often make these systems uneconomical. Overstressing such as deep discharge and comparatively very high charging and discharging currents (currents over 700 A are common) can cause defects such as overheating in the batteries; the charging / discharging cycles in this application area are limited to a few 100 to 1000 cycles. Mechanical damage to the housing can also cause acid or electrolyte to escape from the interior of the battery cells . During electrical charging, depending on the type of battery, explosive gases such as oxyhydrogen are formed with air , which must be permanently extracted from the halls. Lithium-ion accumulators with suitable control electronics do not have these problems, and the cycle stability is also improved compared to lead accumulators. The prices of lithium-ion batteries are falling as of 2016, so that these systems can be operated more economically than a few decades before.

Market development

In 2016, the British network operator National Grid tendered 200 MW of control reserve, regardless of technology, in order to increase system stability. Only battery storage power plants prevailed. In the USA, the market for storage power plants increased by 243 percent in 2015 compared to 2014.

A variety of storage systems exist in the consumer market. In investigations by HTW Berlin , such systems were examined as part of the inspection in 2018 and 2019, and the overall efficiency was assessed using the English System Performance Index (SPI).

Combination with gas turbine

The Technische Werke Ludwigshafen have a patent pending on a regulating power plant on battery (8 MW) for short-term demand plus gas turbine is based (5 MW) for any length of service delivery. Construction, part of the German research project SINTEG , started in 2017.


  • Storage or network expansion: battery storage in the distribution network. In: netzpraxis No. 10/2018, pp. 80–83
  • E. Schoop: Stationary battery systems: Design, installation and maintenance , Huss, Berlin, 2nd edition from 2018, ISBN 978-3-341-01633-6
  • B. Riegel, W. Giller: Lead batteries as stationary application in competition with stationary lithium-ion batteries. In: E. Fahlbusch (Ed.): Batteries as energy storage: Examples, strategies, solutions , Beuth, Berlin / Vienna / Zurich 2015, ISBN 978-3-410-24478-3 , pp. 353–374
  • Jörg Böttcher, Peter Nagel (ed.): Battery storage: Legal, technical and economic framework , De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin / Boston 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-045577-9
  • Chapter 30: Abbas A. Akhil, John D. Boyes, Paul C. Butler, Daniel H. Doughty: Batteries for Electrical Storage Applications. In: Thomas B. Reddy (Ed.): Linden's Handbook of Batteries . 4th edition. McGraw-Hill, New York 2011, ISBN 978-0-07-162421-3
  • Michael Sterner , Ingo Stadler (ed.): Energy storage. Need, technologies, integration. 2nd edition, Berlin Heidelberg 2017, ISBN 978-3-662-48893-5 .
  • Lucien F. Trueb, Paul Rüetschi: Batteries and accumulators. Mobile energy sources for today and tomorrow . Springer, Heidelberg a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-540-62997-1 .
  • Battery storage product database 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

Commons : Battery banks  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  1. heise online: Tesla: World's largest battery opened in Australia. Accessed January 5, 2018 (German).
  2. Daniel AJ Sokolov: Tesla's giant battery in Australia is paying off. In: heise online. December 27, 2018, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  3. a b c DOE Global Energy Storage Database
  4. Study: The storage market is growing rapidly . In: IWR , August 25, 2016. Retrieved August 25, 2016.
  5. Mitsubishi Installs 50MW Energy Storage System to Japanese Power Company In: March 11, 2016, accessed January 28, 2017.
  6. Thomas Bohm, Hans-Peter Marschall, The technical development of the power supply , in: Wolfram Fischer (Ed.), The history of the power supply . Frankfurt am Main 1992, 39-122, p. 49.
  7. Michael Sterner, Ingo Stadler: Energy storage - requirements, technologies, integration . Berlin - Heidelberg 2014, pp. 649f.
  8. Peter Stenzel, Johannes Fleer, Jochen Linssen, Elektrochemische Speicher , in: Martin Wietschel, Sandra Ullrich, Peter Markewitz, Friedrich Schulte, Fabio Genoese (Eds.), Energy Technologies of the Future. Generation, storage, efficiency and networks , Wiesbaden 2015, pp. 157–214, p. 193.
  9. Michael Sterner, Ingo Stadler: Energy storage - requirements, technologies, integration . Berlin - Heidelberg 2014, p. 652.
  10. Large-scale storage: discovery tour for new use cases continues . In: PV-Magazine , March 15, 2016. Retrieved March 19, 2016.
  11. Batteries for Large-Scale Stationary Electrical Energy Storage (PDF; 826 kB), The Electrochemical Society Interface, 2010, (English)
  12. Large battery storage systems are conquering the power grids . Retrieved March 11, 2016.
  13. Vattenfall announces award for major battery project . In: IWR , September 1, 2016. Retrieved September 1, 2016.
  14. USA: Storage market grows by 243 percent in 2015 . Retrieved March 11, 2016.
  15. Johannes Less, Selina Maier, Lena Kranz, Nico Orth, Nico Böhme, Volker Quaschning: Stromspeicher-Inspektion 2018. (PDF; 7.0 MB), November 2018, accessed on November 2, 2019 .
  16. Johannes Less, Nico Orth, Nico Böhme, Volker Quaschning: Stromspeicher-Inspektion 2019 (PDF; 3.0 MB), June 2019, accessed on November 2, 2019 .
  17. TWL: Builds combined control power plant from battery and gas turbine, February 1, 2017, accessed November 11, 2017.
  18. Product database battery storage 2018, accessed July 17, 2018.