Bayerwald ticket

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The Bayerwald-Ticket is a collective tariff offer introduced in 1999 in the districts of Regen and Freyung-Grafenau in the Bavarian Forest for bus and rail traffic. Until 2003 it was in the summer season between May and October, since 2004 all year round. It is part of the Bavarian Forest national park traffic concept .


The Bayerwald-Ticket was created as a joint tariff offer of the operators of various tourist-oriented public transport networks.

In 1995 , a dense, daily bus line system for hikers, the so-called Igelbuses, was set up between the national park communities Spiegelau, Grafenau, Neuschönau and Mauth in the summer season from May to October .

In 1997, the Regentalbahn took over the operations on the Plattling – Zwiesel – Bayerisch Eisenstein line and the two branches to Bodenmais and Grafenau under the brand name Waldbahn . The routes were then renewed, new vehicles were procured and, in 2003, regular traffic was set up on all three routes.

Around Zwiesel there is a similar bus concept with the Falkenstein buses on two lines as in the southern Bavarian Forest. This system was also integrated into the Igelbuses in the year.

In order to make the use of these three transport systems and the regional bus routes more convenient and easier, efforts were made to establish a tariff cooperation. The National Park Transport Concept project office coordinated these efforts on the part of the district of Regen, and on the part of the operator a collective bargaining agreement chaired by Regionalbus Ostbayern . This offer was also flanked by a joint timetable booklet. Initially, this offer was only offered in the season of the Igelbus routes. After this was extended to the winter season, the ticket was offered all year round from 2004. Since then, a winter timetable folder has also been offered.

In 2010, the "Guest Service Environment Ticket" was introduced based on the Bayerwald Ticket . In this case, the guest card of participating municipalities is valid as the ticket corresponding to the Bayerwald ticket during the holiday stay. The sales figures then fell by a third.

Municipalities that have introduced the GUTi (green) or the VLC guest card (yellow) (as of January 1, 2013)

From April 28, 2012, the Bayerwald-Ticket is also valid for Ilztalbahn GmbH on the Freyung – Röhrnbach line .


The price of this ticket is 8 euros per day (as of 2016) and includes the bus and train lines of the two districts mentioned Regen and Freyung-Grafenau as well as the railway line of the Upper Palatinate Railway between Bad Kötzting and Lam in the Cham district . The additional offer Bayerwald-Ticket-plus at a price of 14 euros was available until December 15, 2013 and was also valid on the railway line between Gotteszell and Plattling in the Deggendorf district. It has been discontinued, as has a temporarily offered family ticket. Since then, the connection ticket for the forest railway has been available on the Gotteszell – Plattling route for 7.50 euros.

Collective bargaining

The following companies participate in the Bayerwald-Ticket tariff group:

There are also tariff cooperations with the Czech Railways (ČD) and the RDS bus . There is also cooperation with various subcontractors who provide services on behalf of the RBO or who have collective bargaining agreements with it.

International networking

The Bayerwald-Ticket is valid on both the Waldbahn and the RBO and RDS buses for trips to Špičák and Železná Ruda in the Czech Republic .

Similar to the Bavarian Forest Ticket and the Igelbus system, there are so-called “green buses” (“Zelené autobusy”) in the Šumava National Park, which serve the Czech national park area. Since 2009, the NP ticket for 80 kroner (approx. 3.20 euros) has been offered here, a ticket comparable to the Bayerwald ticket or the Igelbus day ticket. However, this does not include ČD trains.

Price and sales

year Sales figures price comment
total per month
2001 17,964 2994 9.00 DM Valid from May to October; Price corresponds to approx. 4.60 euros
2002 21,434 3572 4.50 euros
2003 22,986 3831 4.50 euros
2004 24,376 4063 4.50 euros
2005 51,155 4263 4.50 euros Extension to year-round validity
2006 37,604 3134 5.00 euros
2007 37,764 3147 6.00 euros
2008 36,781 3065 7.00 euros
2009 7.00 euros Introduction of free Igelbus use in individual communities
2010 7.00 euros Introduction of free use of buses and trains (" GUTi ") in individual communities

Individual evidence

  1. Bayerwald Bote Regen October 30, 2010: "GUTi success rolls over the railway"
  2. Timetable 2012. (PDF; 842 kB) In: ITB ILZTALBAHN GmbH, archived from the original on September 2, 2014 ; accessed on May 15, 2016 .

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