Beate Bremme

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Beate Bremme (born October 24, 1906 in Bischwiller ; † June 6, 2006 in Wuppertal ) worked as a volunteer in various social institutions for many years.

Live and act

Beate Bremme was born on October 24, 1906 in Bischweiler ( Alsace ) as the daughter of the doctor Hans Engelbrecht (1874–1926) and his wife Luise, b. Aronstein (1874–1949) born. When Alsace became part of France again in 1918, the family settled in Karlsruhe . Beate Bremme was trained as a medical-technical assistant and worked in her father's practice. In 1930 she married the lawyer Hans Bremme (1898–1970) and moved to Wuppertal. She died there on June 6, 2006.

Her voluntary work began in 1953 in the neighborhood home in Wuppertal. In 1954 she became the deputy chairwoman of the district association of the German Red Cross in Wuppertal. As Vice President of the North Rhine Regional Association based in Düsseldorf, she replaced the former predecessor Etta Countess von Waldersee , whom she also followed in 1966 as Vice President of the German Red Cross in Bonn. In this capacity, she traveled to Vienna, Florence, Rome, Istanbul, Mexico City and Tehran and was temporarily president of the Federal Working Group of the Central Associations of Independent Welfare Care . She was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mothers' Convalescence Work and the German Committee for UNICEF.

Your voluntary work ended in 1978.


In recognition of her work, she was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and numerous international Red Cross awards as well as the medal of honor of the Order of St. John. In September 2002 she was accepted as an honorary member of the Konzertgesellschaft Wuppertal together with Johannes Rau .

Individual evidence

  1. Me, about myself. 50 prominent Wuppertal people tell. 1969 Alfred Lau Publishing House. P. 21
  2. ^ Die Zeit , June 10, 1966, No. 24
  3. ^ NRZ of June 7, 1966
  4. Generalanzeiger June 6, 1966
  5. ^ Neue Ruhr Zeitung June 7, 1966
  6. ^ The time of June 10, 1966
  7. General Gazette of December 17, 1966
  8. ^ Welt am Sonntag, July 9, 1967
  9. ^ German Red Cross central organ of the DRK from March 3, 1978
  10. ^ Red Cross specialist magazine of the DRK 1/2002
  11. ^ Rau and Bremme honorary members ( Memento from October 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Westdeutsche Zeitung from September 10, 2002