Disabled Sports Association Lower Saxony

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Disabled Sports Association Lower Saxony eV
Logo of the Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony eV
societies over 830
Members over 60,000
Homepage http://www.bsn-ev.de

The Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony e. V. (BSN) is a professional association for rehabilitation, popular, competitive and preventive sports for disabled, chronically ill or people at risk of disability in Lower Saxony. The regional sports association based in Hanover was founded in 1952.


The Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony eV (BSN) has over 830 clubs and departments with over 60,000 members. People with various disabilities or chronic illnesses find a tailor their disability and desires sports with sports educational management and medical supervision and support: rehabilitation, latitude , performance or prevention sport. In addition to securing this existing offer, the BSN sees its main task in the nationwide expansion of sport for the disabled, since in contrast to about 37% of the non-disabled only 4.7% of the severely disabled in Lower Saxony participate in sports in the club.


On May 4, 1952, the Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony eV was founded in the Bassum sports school near Bremen . The 11 founding associations represented a total of 479 members. A statute was adopted. The first board consisted of Karl-Kurt Karwath (1st chairman), Helmut Huth (2nd chairman), Kam. Clieves (3rd Chairman), Kam. Tourneur (secretary), Willi Schwerdtfeger (cashier) and Dr. Lettenbaur (state disabled sports doctor). The founding assembly decides to hold national competitions, separately for swimming and athletics . The first swimming event took place on June 15, 1952 in Hanover. At the general meeting on November 2, 1952, the VSN applied for admission to the LSB as the specialist section “ disabled sports ” with a seat and a vote.

The Lower Saxony Gymnastics Federation is a joint meeting with the Sports Federation of Lower Saxony the mandate of wounded service back and on 29 December 1953, the maimed Sports Association of Lower Saxony was recognized by the Sports Federation of Lower Saxony as a full trade association. In 1957 the association had 1,200 members, in 1961 there were 2,944 members in 72 associations. In 1968 the association receives its first full-time managing director, Walter Graßhoff. In 1973 the VSN had 8,900 members in 131 communities. In connection with the draft of a rehabilitation equalization law, the health insurance companies were asked to financially support disabled sports. The number of disabled children and adolescents playing sports is 450. This prompted the board of the VSN to demand “guidelines for the implementation of disabled sports with children and adolescents in Lower Saxony” from the Lower Saxony state government. A draft guideline from the VSN is presented to the Minister of Social Affairs.
In 1974 the office was relocated from Oldenburg to Bückeburg . At the 13th regular association day on March 27, 1976 in Niedernwöhren , it was decided to rename the association to “Disabled Sports Association Lower Saxony eV”.

In November 1977, the state government of Lower Saxony announced the “Action Program for the Expansion of Disabled Sports in Lower Saxony”, which was not exclusively but primarily concerned with sports for disabled children and adolescents and would also provide financial resources for it. Numerous new groups were founded and in the first three years the BSN registered an increase in membership in the children and youth sector, which is six times as large as in the adult sector. In 1979, the BSN had 10,735 members in 146 associations. In 1980 the 'Lower Saxony Sports Medal' was awarded to a disabled athlete for the first time. At that time the BSN had 11,300 members in 151 communities. 500 trainers and 300 sports doctors looked after the athletes in the local clubs. The long-discussed lump-sum allocation of funds for the disabled body exercises of war victims is introduced.

The new President Heiner Rust was elected on his 15th regular association day on June 23, 1984 in Walsrode . The Minister of Social Affairs of Lower Saxony, Hermann Schnipkoweit , took part in the Association Day as a guest of honor . The BSN has 182 communities with 13,700 members, who are looked after by 572 trainers and 293 sports doctors. On March 28, 1987, the BSN presented its first action program for the expansion of disabled sports in Lower Saxony. It contained a medium-term action plan from 1987 to 1989. With the help of the LSB, the BSN established a full-time ABM force (certified sports teacher) for the establishment and supervision of sports groups for new types of disability (children and adults with asthma, women after cancer, Parkinson's, Morbus- Ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, spinal column damage). In 1990 the number of members of the BSN exceeded the "20,000" mark for the first time.

On June 8, 1996, an integrative game and sports festival, the state championships in athletics and the 18th ordinary association day are held in Stadthagen. 1,500 participants make the event a special one. The Association Day decides on a new structure through the establishment of specialist committees ( competitive sports, rehabilitation sports, popular sports, teaching and sports medicine ) instead of the previous sports committee. The BSN publishes the first textbook for training instructors (initiator and main author, state teacher Harald Will). For the first time there was a basis for uniform training in German disabled sports. On January 1st, 1999 the BSN had 32,058 members in 420 associations. In the same year, ten top athletes from the BSN were included in the funding of the "Perspective 2000 - Lower Saxony Team" initiated by the LSB with the state government and business partners.

In 2001, the BSN carried out the election of a disabled athlete of the year for the first time with the help of the media partners " Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung " and NDR as well as well-known sponsors. Six candidates, selected by a jury, are available for election. Almost 23,000 Lower Saxony members take part in the vote. Felix Heise, a promising young athlete in wheelchair basketball at BSV Sünteltal Bad Münder, wins the election. He was proclaimed Disabled Sportsman of the Year 2001 at a gala in the GOP Varieté in Hanover on March 8, 2001. In 2002, a disabled athlete of the year was chosen for the second time in Lower Saxony. With a record turnout of 38,967 voting cards sent in, Jens Schürmann from BSG Meppen became the winner.


The Association Day is the supreme body of the BSN. Its resolutions are binding for all organs and members. The regular association day takes place every four years. The main committee is composed of the

  • Members of the Presidium,
  • twelve association representatives, including eight chairmen / representatives of the professional associations,
  • the chairmen of the associations.

The main committee's tasks include a. Advice on and decision-making on fundamental issues relating to sports for disabled people in Lower Saxony between the association days, acceptance of the accountability / cash and audit reports between the association days, adoption of the annual economic and supplementary economic plans, decision on membership in other associations and institutions as well as participation in Companies or other associations or their establishment.

The presidium consists of the president, the vice-president for finance, five other vice-presidents, the chairman of the BSJN or a representative delegated by the youth board with an advisory vote and the chairman of the general assembly of the professional associations or a representative delegated by them with an advisory vote. The Presidium elects a deputy for the President from among its voting members. The President has the first right to propose. The Presidium is responsible for all management matters of the association, unless another body of the association is expressly responsible according to these statutes. The board of directors within the meaning of § 26 BGB are the president, his deputy and the vice president finance. They represent the association both internally and externally in and out of court. The representation is sufficient if it is exercised by two of the three named.

competitive sport

The competitive sport of the BSN is firmly rooted in the structures of the German Disabled Sports Association and is an integral part of the LandesSportBund Niedersachsen (LSB Niedersachsen). One of the main tasks of the BSN as a regional association within the DBS is the quality assurance of the young athletes. In the BSN, competitive sports exclusively include the Paralympic sports, seven of which are the main sports.

Compared to the DBS / LSB, the BSN is committed to the sports of handbiking, track and field, wheelchair basketball, swimming and sledge ice hockey. Opposite the DBS also to the sports blind football and archery. In individual cases, in addition to the main sports, athletes / teams who meet certain criteria (Paralympic sport, athletes / team in the junior or main competition class, athletes / teams of the national top with a perspective on international competitions) are also looked after in competitive sports.

Support points and performance centers

The DBS has recognized two Paralympic training bases (PTS) in Lower Saxony in the sports of wheelchair basketball (location: Hanover) and sledge ice hockey (Langenhagen). PTS are selected locations that enable daily training for management areas A, B, S, C as well as the promising junior management. In the sports archery (Werlte), handbiking, athletics, swimming (Hanover) and sledge ice hockey (Langenhagen), the BSN also has regional bases (LStP). In wheelchair basketball (Hanover) via a state performance center (LLZ).

Promotion of elite sport

The "Team BEB" brings together outstanding Lower Saxon athletes from different sports to form a top sports team. The financial commitment of BEB Erdöl und Erdgas GmbH as the name sponsor and of Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH and HUMMEL sports & leisure as the supplier enable the BSN to support top athletes in Lower Saxony in a special way.

Sports boarding school

Since the middle of 2010, the BSN has been able to fall back on four full-time positions in the LOTTO sports boarding school in the LSB Lower Saxony for the best possible promotion and support of its top talent. The elite schools of sport are intended to promote the connection between “school and sport” in the sense of a dual career.

Popular sport

In addition to the regular sports lessons, it is the special events that make these activities so attractive: the BSN offers annually or alternately winter sports weeks, hiking and cycling days, an indoor sports festival for women, a youth sports festival and a popular athletics festival with a supporting program for children and young people and young adults of all disabilities.

Rehabilitation sports

As a supplement to rehabilitation, rehabilitation sport is recognized by the various service providers. According to § 44 sentence 3 of SGB IX, services for medical rehabilitation and participation in working life are supplemented by "... medically prescribed rehabilitation sport in groups under medical care and supervision, including exercises for disabled women and girls who are at risk of disability serve self-confidence, ... ". The "Framework Agreement on Rehabilitation Sport and Functional Training" in its current version regulates the principles that must be observed when performing rehabilitation sport. On the basis of this framework agreement, contracts and agreements have been concluded with the various cost bearers. a. determine the remuneration.

  1. Federal agreement with the vdek
  2. Agreement with the various Lower Saxony health insurers

Education and teaching

One of the tasks of the BSN is the training of instructors. To this end, the German Olympic Sports Association has issued framework guidelines that the German Disabled Sports Association has filled out for its needs. The training courses are applied for and approved by the DBS at the DOSB and are uniform nationwide. The DBS delegates the task of education and training to its regional associations. The guidelines are public and can be viewed on the homepages. A binding subject catalog specifies which topic is to be completed in which part of the training with how many learning units (LE).

Heiner Rust Foundation

The foundation of the Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony eV is committed to promoting sports for the disabled. It supports people with disabilities to be able to do sports and thus confidently control part of their lives. It also supports the clubs to enable people with and without disabilities to do sports together. Its namesake and chairman Heiner Rust was the longstanding president of the BSN. He knows the problems and needs from his own experience.

Sport is a multi-faceted phenomenon: it connects people from different areas of society, teaches fairness and respect in dealing with one another and invites you to constantly master new challenges. There is another crucial aspect for disabled people. For them, sport is a way into the middle of the community - often the easiest way to harmonize life and handicap in a meaningful way.

On November 10, 2011, the newly established group of donors of the Heiner Rust Foundation was presented to the public. The patron of the donor group, Lower Saxony Minister of Social Affairs Aygül Özkan , met with the first member of the donor group, Hannover 96 President Martin Kind , with the President of the State Parliament Hermann Dinkla and the President of the Disabled Sports Association of Lower Saxony e. V. Karl Finke as representatives of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Meinhard Janssen, the deputy chairman of the foundation. The group of donors brings together people and companies who feel committed to the goals of the Heiner Rust Foundation and who would like to expand the financial scope of the foundation through donations.

Web links