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Wilhelm Daughtermann (1932)

Wilhelm Daughtermann (born June 5, 1912 in Hof ; † January 2, 1974 in Wertingen ) was a German doctor, psychotherapist and poet.


Daughtermann graduated from the Albertinum Coburg high school and studied medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He was initially a free student . Because of his affection for Austria , he went to the University of Innsbruck and became a member of the Corps Gothia . On a student trip to the “Nostra rivoluzione”, the ten-year celebration of Italian fascism , he saw Benito Mussolini . Daughtermann grew up in the Weimar Republic and returned to what was now National Socialist Germany. He continued his studies at theJulius Maximilians University of Würzburg and became a corps boy at Bavaria Würzburg . Daughtermann was obliged by the student body to “voluntary” labor service in labor service camp 2/284 in Zell-Dürrbachau near Würzburg. Daughtermann moved to the Düsseldorf Academy for Practical Medicine and the University of Bonn , where he passed the state examination in 1937. With a dissertation on Max citizens doctorate he 1939 Dr. med. He was also a medical assistant with him . In 1943 he came across Hans Klöpfer's poem Heimkehr 1918 , which "was free of heroic pathos and sentimentality and showed the best technical and poetic skills". Daughtermann was deeply impressed by Klöpfer's and Fritz Stüber's poetry. He opened a doctor's practice in Wertingen , where his grandfather had been mayor. He ran it until 1950.

Medical works

  • About the power of diabetic blood to destroy insulin. Brand, Bonn 1938 (dissertation, University of Bonn, 1939).
  • The doctor as medicine. The doctor's personality as a healing factor in psychotherapy. Hippocrates, Stuttgart 1952.
  • The oversensitive person. About the right way to deal with yourself. Paracelsus, Stuttgart 1955; 5th edition 1976.
  • Encounters with people as turning points in my medical thinking. Bircher-Benner, Bad Homburg 1956.
  • From the meaning of the epiphany. Krauss, Wertingen 1960.
  • The way to yourself. Reinhardt, Munich 1961.
  • "When spring poured the blessing of blossoms into the May Green Land" - memories and flashbacks of a poet and doctor. In: then and now . 20: 80-93 (1975)


  • Walkers in the gods track ... Krauss, Wertingen 1951.
  • Recreatio in vitam. Karlsruher Bote, Karlsruhe 1958.
  • Recreatio in deum. A cycle of epistles. Karlsruher Bote, Karlsruhe 1958.
  • Sonnets from the dead. A cycle of meaning poems in 6 sentences with an appendix. Karlsruher Bote, Karlsruhe 1959.
  • Brevity is the soul of wit. Epigrammatic portraits. Karlsruher Bote, Karlsruhe 1960.
  • The guardian of the threshold. Punch, satire. Krauss, Wertingen 1961.
  • Between torch and neon. Sense lyric. European publisher, Vienna 1966.
  • The melancholy sings too. Meaning poetry. European publisher, Vienna 1978.
  • with Dieter Wolfgang Schöne, Manfred Siebald : Donkey of the Lord. You and Your House, Mainz 1986 (sheet music).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ R. Paschke (1975)
  2. a b c d W. Daughtermann (1975)
  3. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 73/220; 138/836.