Contributions to sex research

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The articles on sex research that have been published since 1952 are the longest-lived and, with 100 volumes (as of 2012), the most extensive sex science textbook series in the world. They are edited by Hertha Richter-Appelt , Sophinette Becker , Andreas Hill and Martin Dannecker on behalf of the German Society for Sexual Research .


From 1952 to 1970, the psychiatrist Hans Bürger-Prinz and the sexologist Hans Giese edited volumes 1 to 49. From volume 47 on, in which the later psychoanalyst Christa Rohde-Dachser analyzed sexual education at the time using the example of small Catholic scripts, Volkmar Sigusch and Gunter Schmidt took over the series as the responsible editors. This came about after internal disputes about the then in Volume 46 by Hans Orthner et al. propagated "healing method" of surgical-stereotactic brain intervention in the case of sexual deviations. Sigusch and Schmidt released the old scientific advisory board, to which, for example, the theologians Franz Xaver Arnold and Adolf Köberle , the public prosecutor Karl S. Bader and the sociologist Helmut Schelsky had belonged, and thus heralded the beginning of a critical sexology. After Giese's death in 1970, Gunter Schmidt, Eberhard Schorsch and Volkmar Sigusch published the book series from volume 50 onwards . In 1981, from volume 58, Martin Dannecker joined as editor.

Since volume 67 of 1993, Bürger-Prinz and Giese are no longer named as the founders of the series after historical research had shown that Bürger-Prinz was involved as a psychiatrist in the Nazi extermination policy (for details see Dannecker, Schmidt and Sigusch 1993).

The articles on sex research were published by Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, up to the year 2000 (cf. the list in Sigusch 2001). After it was absorbed by Georg Thieme Verlag, the board of directors of the specialist society and the editors decided in favor of Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.


Today, the contributions are a special kind of contemporary document. The development of German-language sexology after the Second World War can be read from them - from faded theories and amateur therapies (see the first criticism in the Reiche series 1970) to liberal and critical, empirically based Theories and therapies verified by larger research projects (see on the history of sexology Sigusch 2008).

The seminal treatises that have appeared in the articles on sexual research include:

  • "The survey in the intimate sphere" by Ludwig von Friedeburg (1953), a study with which the empirically based sex science starts again after the war;
  • "Criminal legislation and protection of legal interests in moral offenses" by Herbert Jäger (1957), the first treatise in which the state criminal claim on the one hand and moral and sexual behavior on the other hand are convincingly separated so that law and morality no longer coincide and the maxim "no criminal law norm without protection of legal interests and in case of doubt no criminal liability ”applies;
  • "Excitation and orgasm in women" by Volkmar Sigusch (1970), the first treatise in which, before the women's movement, the devastating superstition of many medical professionals and psychoanalysts about the supposedly immature clitoral and supposedly mature vaginal orgasm based on the latest experimental sex-physiological research results, which led to genital mutilation is refuted;
  • “Jugendsexualität” by Volkmar Sigusch and Gunter Schmidt (1973), the first empirical study carried out in the field in 1970 after the Second World War in the Federal Republic of Germany, which Gunter Schmidt (1993) repeated 20 years later and published as volume 69 in the series ;
  • "Sexuality in Social Change" by Ulrich Clement (1986), an empirical comparative study on students, based on data from 1966 and 1981;
  • "Perversion, Love, Violence" (1993) by Eberhard Schorsch , a collection of essays on psychopathology and social psychology that Gunter Schmidt and Volkmar Sigusch published after Schorsch's death in 1991;
  • “Female ejaculation” (1994 and 2004) by Sabine zur Nieden with the subtitle “Variations on an ancient dispute between the sexes”;
  • "Heterosexual Relationships" (1995 and 2000), edited by Sonja Düring and Margret Hauch , with contributions by well-known researchers on the situation of so-called normal sexuality;
  • “Children of the Sexual Revolution” (2000), edited by Gunter Schmidt, in which the continuity and change in student sexuality are analyzed on the basis of empirical studies;
  • “The Reality of Transsexual Men” (2002) by Jannik Brauckmann, a study on becoming a man and the heterosexual partnerships of woman-to-man transsexuals;
  • “Sexuelle Welten” (2005) by Volkmar Sigusch, a collection of essays that illustrate the level of reflection in critical sexology;
  • “Lust-Full Pain” (2008), edited by Andreas Hill, Peer Briken and Wolfgang Berner, a conference volume in which the current neosexual perspectives of sadomasochism are discussed.


  • Ludwig von Friedeburg: The survey in the intimate sphere. (= Contributions to sex research. 4). Enke, Stuttgart 1953.
  • Herbert Jäger: Criminal legislation and protection of legal interests in the case of moral offenses. A criminal sociological investigation. (= Contributions to sex research. 12). Enke, Stuttgart 1957.
  • Hans Orthner, Erna Duhm, Uros J. Jovanović, Annemarie König, Richard Lohmann, Werner Schwidder, Joost von Wehren, Stefan Wieser: On the therapy of sexual perversions. Healing of a homosexual-pedophile instinct deviation through unilateral stereotactic intervention in the tuber cinereum. (= Contributions to sex research. 46). Enke, Stuttgart 1969.
  • Christa Rohde-Dachser: Structure and method of Catholic sex education. (= Contributions to sex research. 47). Enke, Stuttgart 1970.
  • Volkmar Sigusch: Excitation and orgasm in women. (= Contributions to sex research. 48). Enke, Stuttgart 1970.
  • Volkmar Sigusch, Gunter Schmidt: Youth sexuality. Documentation of an investigation. (= Contributions to sex research. 52). Enke, Stuttgart 1973.
  • U. Clement: Sexuality in Social Change. An empirical comparative study 1966 and 1981. (= contributions to sex research. 61). Enke, Stuttgart 1986.
  • Eberhard Schorsch: Perversion, love, violence. Essays on the psychopathology and social psychology of sexuality 1967–1991. (= Contributions to sex research. 68). Enke, Stuttgart 1993.
  • Gunter Schmidt (Ed.): Youth sexuality. Social change, group differences, areas of conflict. (= Contributions to sex research. 69). Enke, Stuttgart 1993.
  • Sabine Zur Nieden: Female ejaculation. Variations on an ancient dispute between the sexes. (= Contributions to sex research. 70). Enke, Stuttgart 1994.
  • Sonja Düring, Margret Hauch (Ed.): Heterosexual Relationships. (= Contributions to sex research. 71). Enke, Stuttgart 1995.
  • Gunter Schmidt (ed.): Children of the sexual revolution. Continuity and change in student sexuality 1966–1996; an empirical study. (= Contributions to sex research. 77). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen 2000.
  • Jannik Brauckmann: The reality of transsexual men. Male becoming and heterosexual partnerships of female-to-male transsexuals. (= Contributions to sex research. 80). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen 2002.
  • Volkmar Sigusch: Sexual Worlds. Heckling from a sexologist. (= Contributions to sex research. 87). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen 2005.
  • Andreas Hill, Peer Briken, Wolfgang Berner (Ed.): Pleasure-full pain. Sadomasochistic Perspectives. (= Contributions to sex research. 90). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hertha Richter-Appelt, Sophinette Becker, Andreas Hill, Martin Dannecker: 100 volumes "Contributions to Sexual Research". Retrieved March 25, 2019 .
  2. Martin Dannecker, Gunter Schmidt, Volkmar Sigusch: In my own case. A statement from the editors. Preliminary remark. In: Contributions to Sexual Research. Volume 67. Enke, Stuttgart 1993.
  3. ^ Volkmar Sigusch: 50 years of the German Society for Sexual Research. Part I: Speech at the opening of the 20th Scientific Conference. Part II: Materials on the history of society. In: Journal for Sexual Research. Vol. 14, 2001, pp. 39-80.
  4. Reimut Reiche: Critique of Contemporary Sexology. In: Gunter Schmidt, Volkmar Sigusch, Eberhard Schorsch (eds.): Trends in sex research. (= Contributions to sex research. 49). Enke, Stuttgart 1970, pp. 1-9.
  5. ^ Volkmar Sigusch: History of Sexual Science. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main / New York 2008.