Benedikt Höld

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Benedikt Höld OSB, baptismal name: Franz Josef (* December 8, 1673 in Metten ; † June 21, 1730 ibid.) Was a German Benedictine and abbot of the Benedictine monastery Metten in Lower Bavaria .


Franz Josef Höld ​​was born as the son of the monastery judge in Metten. He received his school education at the monastery school in Metten. During his profession on November 12, 1690 he was given the religious name Benedict. From 1692 Benedikt Höld ​​studied philosophy at the Metten Monastery and then from 1694 theology at the University of Salzburg . In 1697 he was ordained a priest and worked from 1699 to 1701 as a chaplain in the Salzburg Benedictine Abbey in Nonnberg . During this time he heard at the Salzburg University Law .

In 1701 Benedikt Höld ​​returned to the Metten Monastery, where he initially took over the offices of novice master and director of the clergy. From 1702 he worked as a professor of philosophy in the house study of the monastery; In 1703 he was given the office of prior in the monastery . In 1707 Benedikt Höld ​​became pastor in Stephansposching , which was assigned to the Metten Monastery for pastoral care. After Abbot Roman Märkl resigned , Benedikt Höld ​​was elected as his successor in 1729. Abbot Benedikt died just one year later as a result of a stroke that he suffered on the way back from a trip to Munich and Ettal Abbey .


  • Wilhelm Fink : History of the development of the Benedictine abbey Metten. Vol. 1: The Book of Professions of the Abbey (= studies and communications on the history of the Benedictine order and its branches. Supplementary booklet 1,1), Munich 1927, p. 44.
  • Rupert Mittermüller : The Metten Monastery and its Aebte. An overview of the history of this old Benedictine monastery. Straubing 1856, p. 191 and 208f.
predecessor Office successor
Roman II. Märkl Abbot of Metten
Augustine II. Ostermayer