Benjamin Wilhelm Daniel Schulze

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Benjamin Wilhelm Daniel Schulze (born January 17, 1715 in Berlin ; † March 17, 1790 ) was a German educator and philologist.


The son of the preacher at the Friedrichshospital and later court preacher and inspector in Crossen Gottfried Schulze († December 1730 in Crossen) was tutored by his father until he was twelve. He then attended school in Crossen and in 1730 the Joachimsthalsche Gymnasium in Berlin. He began his studies in 1733 at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) , where he particularly tied himself to Johann Heinrich Michaelis , whom he followed in 1735 to the University of Halle . He was particularly fond of studying the oriental and oriental languages.

After completing his studies, he became inspector at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium in 1737, where he took over the supervision of the adjoining theological seminary in 1739 and also of the alumni in 1744. In 1767 he became a philology teacher at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium, where he worked until the end of his life.

Schulze had made himself known primarily as a critical translator of Gerson's edition of the Hebrew Bible, which Martin Luther had also used in his translation of the Luther Bible . He also developed an astute hypothesis about the sect of the Sadducees .


  • Pietas Joachimica natali XXXXVI Friderici Magni submisse declarata. Berlin 1757
  • Ode de amicitia juvenum in scholis, qua J. Ph. Heinio, D. Theol. et Rectori Gymnasii Joachimici, sunum muneris Jubigratulatur. Berlin 1762
  • Ode ad Germaniam. Berlin 1762
  • Criticism of the usual editions of the Hebrew Bibles of a reliable piece of news from the Hebrew Bible which D. Luther used for his translation. Berlin 1766
  • Complete criticism of the ordinary editions of the Hebrew Bible which Luther used in his translation. Berlin 1766
  • Conjecturae historico-criticae Sadducaeorum inter Judaeos sectae novam lucam accendentes. Hall 1779
  • Friderricum, Borussiae regem, jura Imperii Rome. Germ. fortiter tueri, oratione demonstratum. Berlin 1779


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer. d. J., Leipzig, 1812, vol. 12, p. 532, ( online )
  • Heinrich Doering: The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, vol. 4, p. 76, ( online )
  • Carl Gustav Adolf Siegfried:  Schulze, Benjamin Wilhelm Daniel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 32, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1891, p. 761 f.