Bernd Sieberichs

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Bernd Sieberichs ( pseudonym : Bernd Ross ; born April 28, 1961 in Bardenberg / Aachen district ) is a German writer .


Bernd Sieberichs is the son of a university sociologist . From 1967 to 1971 he attended elementary school in Bardenberg and then high schools in Würselen and Herzogenrath . After graduating from high school, he studied German studies , geography , history , Romance studies and political science at the Technical University of Aachen from 1980 . He dropped out of this course after four and a half years and undertook extensive trips through Europe, Africa and America over the next two years.

In 1987 he returned to Germany and married in Flensburg . He and his wife, the hypnotherapist Anja Sieberichs, have three children. He earned his living doing various jobs and began to publish his travel experiences in magazines . From 1987 to 1989 he studied literature and home economics at the PH Flensburg. Between 1991 and 1997 he published three detective novels under the pseudonym "Bernd Ross". From 2002 to 2004 he trained as a teacher at Waldorf schools , which he completed with a diploma. In 2006 he founded the Wunschworte Verlag , which not only publishes a selection of its own books, but also two illustrated art books, a gift ribbon and the philosophical poems of regional authors. Sieberichs has been writing a Flensburg crime thriller about private investigator Mark Rytter since 2007. “Förde-Findling” was published as the first part of the series by LEDA Verlag. With “Förde-Freaks” and “Förde-Fratzen” part 2 and 3 appear in the Wunschworte Verlag. Sieberichs lives in Flensburg today.

Bernd Sieberichs is the author of novels , short stories , children's books , poems and a non-fiction book on creative writing .


Under the name of Bernd Ross

Under the name of Bernd Sieberichs

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