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In the workshop of the medieval bagger

The Beutler (also bag maker , Peutler or Beitler) is or was a craftsman who makes a type of leather goods or bags made of canvas or valuable materials, like bag makers , fine bag makers , tanners , furriers , beltsmen , saddlers and shoemakers next to him .

The specialization in the production of leather goods in the Middle Ages went so far among the guilds that, depending on the fineness of the leather from which the bags were made, a distinction was made between the Beutler (fine leather) and the Säckler (coarse leather) as well as between fine bag makers and Bag maker.

The "Säckler" is mentioned for the first time in the 8th century and at that time made sacks for the miners from animal hides in which the ore was brought down to the valley. These were later replaced by sacks made of linen . From the 12th century the "Säckler" dealt with the production of "leather trousers". This became more and more artistic over the centuries, as demonstrated by wonderful embroidery. In the 16th century, the production of outerwear and the appropriate accessories such as bags or gloves began . This gave rise to the names "Beutler" and "Wämsler". In the 17th century the "Säckler" appeared as a manufacturer of stable flour sacks, for which mainly tanned leather was used. With the advent of linen, the “Säckler” became a clothing tailor or leather clothing manufacturer. The old term “Säckler” is still used today by the renowned companies in Austria and Bavaria.

With regard to the professional situation of leather workers, compare in particular the items bag makers and leather goods .

Beutler / sifter

Beutler or classifiers are also specialized skilled workers in the mills and bakery industry called that filled the coming of the mill flour in ever finer woven bags and seventh by shaking or hitting to win in this way different degrees of fineness. A corresponding machine is also called a sifter .

Web links

Commons : Artistic representations by Beutler  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Beutler. In: R. Palla: Lexicon of the lost professions. P. 52.
  2. classifier, m., 1a). In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm (Hrsg.): German dictionary . tape 16 : Sea life – speaking - (X, 1st section). S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1905 ( ). “At the bakers in some areas, a baker boy who follows the kneader and sifts or sacks the grain that has only been crushed on the mill. In large bakeries you probably have an upper and lower sifter. ADELUNG. JACOBSSON 4, 154 a . "
  3. Function and description of the display mill.  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives ) (PDF; 33 kB), “Sifting and bags of grist”. Association of Upper Austrian Museums@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /