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Bridge over the Binna near Binn

Bridge over the Binna near Binn

Water code CH : 106
location Canton of Valais , Switzerland
River system Rhone
Drain over Rhone  → Mediterranean
source at the Ofenhorn
46 ° 23 ′ 12 ″  N , 8 ° 17 ′ 55 ″  E
Source height approx.  2530  m above sea level M.
muzzle near Grengiols in the Rhone coordinates: 46 ° 22 ′ 34 "  N , 8 ° 6 ′ 7"  E ; CH1903:  651044  /  136292 46 ° 22 '34 "  N , 8 ° 6' 7"  O
Mouth height 867  m above sea level M.
Height difference approx. 1663 m
Bottom slope approx. 88 ‰
length 18.9 km
Catchment area 116.66 km²
Discharge  at the mouth of the
A Eo : 116.66 km²
3.57 m³ / s
30.6 l / (s km²)

The Binna is a 19 kilometer long left tributary of the Rhone in the canton of Valais . The river rises at the foot of the Ofenhorn at about 2530  m above sea level. M. near the Italian border. It then flows through the Binntal and finally flows into the Rhone at Grengiols . The Binna has a catchment area of ​​117 km². The largest tributary of the Binna is the Lengtalwasser . Further tributaries are the Wissenbach and the Feldbach , as well as the Mässerbach south-east of Fäld from the left .

Web links

Commons : Binna  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Geoserver of the Swiss Federal Administration ( information )
  2. a b Topographical catchment areas of Swiss waters: sub-catchment areas 2 km². Retrieved August 20, 2017 .