Diocese of Obala

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Diocese of Obala
Basic data
Country Cameroon
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Yaoundé
Diocesan bishop Sosthène Léopold Bayemi Matjei
founding 1987
surface 14,849 km²
Parishes 53 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Residents 630,000 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics 407.865 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
proportion of 64.7%
Diocesan priest 73 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious priest 9 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics per priest 4,974
Friars 362 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious sisters 41 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language English

The diocese of Obala ( lat. : Dioecesis Obalanus ) is in Cameroon situated Roman Catholic diocese based in Obala .


The Diocese of Obala was established on July 3, 1987 by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Constitution Ad spirituale bonum from cessions of territory from the Archdiocese of Yaoundé and subordinated to this as a suffragan .

Bishops of Obala

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ioannes Paulus II: Const. Apost. Ad spirituale bonum , AAS 79 (1987), n.11, pp. 1355f.