Pale Ragwort

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Pale Ragwort
Ophrys pallida Ficuzza 0115.JPG

Pale Ragwort ( Ophrys pallida )

Family : Orchids (orchidaceae)
Subfamily : Orchidoideae
Tribe : Orchideae
Sub tribus : Orchidinae
Genre : Ragwurzen ( Ophrys )
Type : Pale Ragwort
Scientific name
Ophrys pallida

The bleach orchid is also Pale Orchid ( Ophrys pallida called) and is a kind of genre Ragwurzen ( Ophrys ) in the family of orchid plants (Orchidaceae). A synonym is Ophrys fusca subsp. pallida (Raf.) EGCamus .

Plant description

This perennial herbaceous plant has two ellipsodic-spherical tubers as persistence organs and reaches heights of between ten and 30 centimeters. At the base of the stem there are one or two scale leaves . Three to six foliage leaves are grouped together in a rosette, and one to three sheathed leaves can be seen further up on the stem.

The inflorescence includes two to six flowers , in which the bracts are longer than the ovary . The broadly ovate to elliptical sepals are usually whitish to greenish in color, rarely appearing reddish. The middle sepal is strongly bent forward, while the lateral ones point to the side at right angles. The bald, tongue-shaped petals appear greenish-yellow to brownish, they are bent forward and appear wavy at the edge. The brown lip has a longitudinal furrow in the rear, white hairy third. The three front lobes are hairy dark. The flat mark sits in the area of ​​the furrow and is structured by it, it appears gray-brown to gray-violet and has an indistinct border in front. The lip is bent to the knee.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 36.


The flowering period extends from February to April. Andrena orbitalis was observed as a pollinator .

Distribution and site conditions

The distribution area extends over the west of Sicily . Figures for Sardinia and Malta have yet to be confirmed.

This species can be found in sparse pine forests , garrigues and on former cultivated land with calcareous soils. The pale ragwort occurs at altitudes between 300 and 1200 meters above sea level.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Helmut Baumann , Siegfried Künkele and Richard Lorenz: Orchids of Europe with adjacent areas . Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 2006. ISBN 978-3-8001-4162-3 . Page 184.
  2. ^ Tropicos. [1]

Web links

Commons : Pale Ragwurz ( Ophrys pallida )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files